

Polymer-Derived Ceramic Ambi-&-aerogels

Datum: 30.10.2024, 16:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr 
Ort: Universit?t Augsburg, Am Technologiezentrum 8, 86159 Augsburg
Veranstalter: Institut für Materials Ressource Management
Themenbereiche: Physik und Materialwissenschaften, Informatik
Veranstaltungsreihe: MRM-Seminar
Veranstaltungsart: Vortrag
Vortragende: Dr. Cekdar Vakif Ahmetoglu
Cekdar Vakif Ahmetoglu

Dr. Ahmetoglu presents a fascinating class of mixed ceramic-polymer materials uniquely suited as thermal protection systems in aerospace applications.

Das Institut für Materials Resource Management (MRM) l?dt Sie ein zu einer spannenden Seminarreihe, die sich auf innovative Ans?tze im Umgang mit Materialien, Ressourcen und High-Tech Anwendungen fokussiert.

Thema dieses Mal:
The first part of this presentation will focus on synthesizing and characterizing monolithic preceramic, hybrid, and ceramic aerogels using distinct drying techniques: ambient pressure (ambigels) and CO2 supercritical drying. While low-temperature processes were followed for polymeric ambi/aerogels, hybrid ceramers (CERAmic-polyMER) were processed between 600°C and 800°C, and the ceramic ones were by 1000°C pyrolysis. Even if different drying procedures were followed, the resulting ambigels and aerogels demonstrated akin structural features. It is indicated that substituting complex and costly supercritical drying with a more economical and straightforward ambient pressure drying method is feasible without compromising significant degradation of properties.
In the second part, foam-aerogel composites are designed to demonstrate the manufacturing feasibility of highly porous aerogel monoliths, which can even be machinable into a variety of forms while preserving their characteristics. This structural composite system was made via aerogel infiltration of the microcellular foams. Both aerogels and foam-aerogel composites were tested for separation purposes (oil/water) and thermal properties (flammability and insulation), the latter demonstrating that such a system can be utilized in different aerospace applications, including thermal protection systems in aerospace vehicles.

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Weitere Veranstaltungen: Institut für Materials Resource Management
