

In our blog we would like to transparently communicate current committee decisions on gender issues, discussion points and / or events.

August?20, 2021: The information platform and digitally supported counseling (Fa. Evermood) on the topic of sexual harassment is now available to all university employees.?


July 21, 2021: The call for proposals and application phase of the FHighP mentoring program starts.


July 19, 2021: In the July meeting, Wiebke Meiwald from the BfC, together with the University Women's Representative, presents the pilot mentoring program Female High Potentials (FHighP) for UniA to the Women's Advisory Council, which is lively discussed. It will be implemented from October 2021.?


June 30, 2021: The Standing Commission for Research and Young Scientists deals with the revised award criteria for the equal opportunity scholarships. These are adopted and apply from the award round for 2022.


June 01, 2021: Wiebke Meiwald takes up her duties as head of the Office for Equal Opportunity.?


May 04, 2021: In its May meeting, the Women's Advisory Council discusses the award criteria for the equal opportunity scholarships. These are currently being revised by the university women's representatives together with the Office for Equal Opportunity. The aim is to increase transparency and ensure a fair distribution between the faculties.?


May 01, 2021: After months of vacancy, the Family Service has been successfully re-staffed. We warmly welcome Mitsou Schwair and look forward to new impulses and activities in the area of compatibility & family friendliness at UniA.?

April 21, 2020: In its meeting on 21 April, 2020, the Standing Committee on Equal Opportunity Issues dealt with the question of what is good and worth preserving in the 2018 Equal Opportunities Concept and what needs further development. The background to this agenda item is that certain third-party funding, especially at EU level, will only be granted from 2022 if there is a dedicated gender development plan. The Committee noted that the approaches and measures for equality between men and women at UniA are the most advanced, but that the areas of diversity and inclusion need to be elaborated in a more differentiated manner. It was also considered important to clarify who should be the target group for the future text.


March 22, 2021: The new pages of the section "Equal Opportunities: Gender Equity & Diversity" go online. This is linked to the desire to take up even more efforts and activities to create a diverse and equitable university and to make all gender and diversity-related projects, activities, teaching and learning opportunities of all students, researchers and employees of the University of Augsburg more visible.


On Women's Day on 8 March, 2021: "A society in which I want to live enables all girls and women to have access to all educational assets and the associated professional developments", is how Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, President of the University of Augsburg , describes her vision for an equal society.


January 2021: In its January meeting, the Women's Advisory Council deals with the future concept of advancing women from state funds. On the one hand, it is about promoting the qualification of young female academics? for a professorship, but on the other hand, it is also about short-term measures to compensate for disadvantages, which must be coordinated with one another. It is emphasised that communication about changes is important for the acceptance of a new concept that will be worked out in the following quarter.


January 2021: The Standing Committee on Equal Opportunity Issues focused on the topic of inclusion. Invited guests were: Ingo Binder from the Disabled Advisory Service at UniA, the representative for disabled students, Prof. Dr. Bernd Oberdorfer, Katharina Geller as representative of the Student Union and as external expert, Prof. Dr. Dr. hc et Prof. Hc mult. Wolf Bloemers.


January 2021: UniA's qualitative reports on research-oriented equality standards on the topics of 'diversity' and 'increasing the proportion of women in the postdoctoral phase' were sent to the DFG.


December 2020: The funds for the advancement of women within the framework of the innovation alliance will be used for a total of 11 female visiting professors and 4 female post-doctoral students. The basis for this is a participatory decision-making process between university management, faculties and women's representatives.


November 2020: The Standing Committee on Research and Young Academics approves scholarships for 3 female post-doctoral researchers.


November 2020 - January 2021: Due to the numerous appointment procedures within the framework of the High-Tech Agenda, 3 additional deputy women's representatives will be appointed at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


October 2020: Imke Jungjohann takes up her post as head of the Equal Opportunities Office (and it will end in January 2021)


August 2020: The Lord Mayor of Augsburg, Eva Weber, appoints the University women’s representative Prof. Dr. Susanne Metzner to the Committee on Equality between Men and Women


July 07, 2020 Women's Advisory Council

The Women's Advisory Councils bids farewell to Marion Magg-Schwarzb?cker, who first built up and managed the Women's Office as from 1989, and later the Office for Equal Opportunities.


July 01, 2020 German Research Foundation

In its research-oriented equality standards, the DFG defines the following topics for the reporting cycle: 1. Increasing the proportion of women in the postdoctoral phase and 2. How universities deal with the topic of diversity.



June 24, 2020 Standing Committee of Equal Opportunity Issues

The young startup company Evermood presents its online tool for anti-discrimination management. The Committee is very open to the concept and notes that implementation would also have a positive effect on organisational development
