

Study content:

The bachelor of science degree in midwifery is composed of modules equalling 210 ECTS credit points.

Midwifery is offered through the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg. The degree programme is divided into the following module groups and includes theoretical knowledge and profession-specific skills in

  • the theory and practice of midwifery,
  • theoretical medicine,
  • midwifery skills,
  • health and social sciences, and
  • the preparation and completion of the final examination.

Compulsory vocational work placements will be undertaken in various hospital wards and clinics including:

  • the labour ward,
  • the outpatient pregnancy care clinic,
  • the mother-child ward,
  • the neonatal ward and neonatal intensive care unit,
  • gynaecological surgery and the gynaecological outpatient ward.

Students are also required to acquire 480 hours of out-of-hospital midwifery experience.

Career prospects:

  • Salaried or contracted midwife in an outpatient pregnancy clinic or labour ward or postnatal care ward
  • Freelance midwife at a midwifery clinic or birth centre or gynaecological clinic

Special features

Application process
The first step is to apply at one of the cooperating clinics. The application period for the following winter semester is from the end of February to the end of March and will be displayed on the homepage of the University of Augsburg before the relevant deadline. The clinic’s selection procedure will take place in April–May. Following the successful completion of a training contract in accordance with the possession of a higher education entrance qualification, you will fulfil the requirements for enrolment in the midwifery degree programme at the University of Augsburg.

Student allowance
Students of midwifery receive an allowance for the duration of their studies. The amount can vary. The decisive factor is the tariff agreement used by the respective cooperating clinic. Comparable amounts can be found in the guidelines of the “Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher L?nder (TdL)” for dual degree and master’s degree programmes.

About the degree programme
Degree programme: Midwifery
Official Designation: Hebammenwissenschaft
Degree: Bachelor of Science including state-recognised professional license (B. Sc.)
Study mode: Dual degree programme with vocational work placement (full-time)
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 7 semesters
Admission type: Open admission (with selection process)
Minimum German language skills: C 1

Contact the study advisory service

Annette Kluge-Bischoff MPH
Head of degree program, coordination of midwifery degree program
Faculty of Medicine


Contact the examinations office

Carolin Klaus
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Information Sciences
Unit I/7: Examinations Office C


Jennifer Franz
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Information Sciences
Unit I/7: Examinations Office C

