

Study content:

The cognitive focus of art education is in the overlapping area of pedagogy and the performing arts. The Art Education programme at the University of Augsburg provides a profound insight into the theory and practice of art education, which is introduced to students in artistic-practical, art-didactic and art-scientific seminars. Students' own works are contextualised within the framework of the subject theory and skills in art education, artistic design and knowledge of art theoretical discourse are equally trained.


Career prospects:

  • schools
  • art educator in social and public institutionsadult education
  • pblishing and media
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Art Education
Official Designation: Kunstp?dagogik
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester, summer semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Open admission (with an aptitude assessment process)
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: The enrolment deadline will be published on our website: https://www.uni-aug… Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug… Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…

Contact the study advisory service

Akad. Direktor


