

A doctorate is one of the highest academic qualifications awarded by German universities. Doctoral candidates undertake in-depth research on a specific topic and then present their findings in a doctoral dissertation and an oral examination.


A doctorate is composed of a written contribution to the chosen field of research (doctoral dissertation) and an oral examination. The dissertation is supervised by a doctoral supervisor (Doktormutter or Doktorvater), who must be sought out by the doctoral candidate. In some faculties, doctoral supervision is supplemented by a graduate programme.


Graduates of a German or foreign university with an above-average master’s, magister, German Diplom, or state examination (e.g., for law or secondary school education), as well as graduates of a university of applied sciences with an above-average master’s degree are eligible to undertake a doctorate. Graduates of shorter state examination degree programmes (education for primary, middle, and secondary schools (Realschule) with a standard study period of 7 semesters) are required by the doctoral committee to provide additional evidence of academic achievement for admission to a doctorate.


Successful completion of the medical examination (?rztlichen Prüfung) is sufficient to obtain the degree of Dr. med. Further regulations governing admission to a doctorate can be found in the general doctoral regulations ( Allgemeinen Promotionsordnung) and in the doctoral regulations of the individual faculties ( Promotionsordnungen der einzelnen Fakult?ten).


The general doctoral regulations ( Allgemeinen Promotionsordnung) outline the conditions that must be met in order to obtain a doctorate. The doctoral regulations of the individual faculties ( Promotionsordnungen der einzelnen Fakult?ten) outline the admission requirements of the individual faculties. Professors within each faculty are the first points of contact if you are interested in undertaking a doctorate in a particular discipline. If you would like general advice, please contact the general doctoral advisory service.

Options for undertaking a doctorate

You can pursue a doctoral project either within the framework of a doctoral position, a doctoral research group, or as an external doctoral candidate.

Doctoral research groups are study and research programmes that run for a limited period of time and that bring together thematically aligned research projects. Such research groups provide excellent opportunities for aspiring researchers.


Graduate Programmes

Doctoral positions are advertised on our website. Often, they can be found on the homepage of the individual chairs or professorships. Find out more about the chairs and professorships in the disciplines related to your doctoral project. This applies irrespective of whether you would like to conduct research as part of a doctoral position or as an external doctoral candidate.




Job openings


Information on undertaking a doctorate or habilitation


General doctoral advisory service

If you have successfully completed a master’s degree, an equivalent state examination, or a degree in human medicine and are considering pursuing a doctorate, you can gain general advice from the general doctoral advisory service. Individual advisory sessions focus on topics such as motivation, regulatory formalities covering enrolment and examinations, finding a doctoral supervisor, tips on choosing a topic, planning, funding, and career prospects.

Doctoral supervisors are responsible for providing advice on the subject matter and content of the dissertation.

The general doctoral advisory service also provides workshops on topics such as time and self-management, work-life balance, and learning strategies to support doctoral candidates during their studies.?


Book an advisory session



Current workshops

The Graduate Centre at the University of Augsburg offers a wide range of workshops for prospective and current doctoral candidates.



Leitung | Allgemeine Studienberatung | Promotionsberatung | Internationale Studieninteressenten | Beruflich qualifizierte Studieninteressenten
Student Counselling Service



doctoral candidates

Doctoral candidates at the University of Augsburg can (but do not have to) enrol for a maximum of eight semesters. Enrolment takes place at the Registrar’s Office following the confirmation of supervision by the doctoral supervisor. Further information on the application process for candidates with foreign qualifications, can be found here.


Enrolling as a doctoral candidate


The following documentation must be submitted in order to enrol:


????????????a) the doctoral supervisor (Doktormutter/Doktorvater) and

????????????b) by the dean of the respective faculty in which the doctorate is being undertaken.


  • The information required for the survey of statistical purposes in accordance with legal requirements must be provided on the confirmation of supervision ( see Art. 87 Para. 2 in conjunction with Art. 97 Para. 4 of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetzes (BayHIG) from the 5th of August 2022 in its current edition).
Without these two signatures and the above-mentioned information, enrolment cannot take place.
  • Students who are already enrolled at the University of Augsburg?need to submit a request to change degree programme (Antrag auf Umschreibung) and current evidence of health insurance (provided that they have re-registered).
  • In principle, in order to enrol in a doctorate, you need to submit an online application via VIBS. If you are already a student at the University of Augsburg, please log in to your student account in VIBS and add an application. If applicable, change your role in the upper right-hand corner to “Student.” Studying a double or multiple degree (Doppelstudium/Mehrfachstudium) is not possible when enrolling in a doctorate.

In addition to the usual application documents, an officially certified copy of the degree certificate entitling you to undertake a doctorate must be submitted. A confirmation of academic progress (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung) or confirmation of de-registration (Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung) must also be submitted if you have previously been enrolled at one or more higher education institutions in Germany or are still enrolled. Enrolment is not possible without evidence of having completed a degree.


Doctoral candidates who do not hold a German higher education entrance qualification must also submit evidence of having sufficient German language skills. However, it is at the discretion of the doctoral candidate’s supervisor to exempt them from this requirement within the context of the confirmation of supervision.


Enrolment as a doctoral candidate at the University of Augsburg is for a maximum of eight semesters, irrespective of how long the doctorate lasts.


Enrolment checklist for doctoral studies




  • Open Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (via telephone); Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (in person)
  • Phone: +49 (0)821 / 598-1111
