

Young Researcher

Bild der Teilnehmenden des Vernetzungstreffens 2023
Vernetzungstreffen der Young Researcher im November 2023 ? University of Augsburg

A central goal of CAAPS is to promote young scientists and their interdisciplinary networking. In addition to workshops for further scientific education, regular meetings are held for networking and exchange. Information about events can be found through the Digicampus working group “CAAPS Nachwuchs.” All interested staff members of CAAPS-affiliated chairs and working groups are welcome.


Dr. Christopher Heuer
Research associate
Technical Biology


Research Assistant Applied Analysis/
Computational Mathematics



2nd Networking Event for Young Researchers at CAAPS.

The second networking event for Young Researchers at CAAPS? took place from the 6th to the 8th of November at “Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg.”


In addition to networking, the young researchers expanded their knowledge in the workshop "Smart Work - How to Manage Clarity, Focus, and Energy in Collaboration and Daily Work" and focused in particular on establishing structures that support collaboration and teamwork.


Workshop "Scientific Communication"

Clear and effective communication is essential for the progress of science and the dissemination of important research results. In the workshop “Scientific communication" held on the 16th of March 2023, Young Researchers at CAAPS explored the latest communication trends, tools, and techniques.

1st Networking Days for Young Researchers at CAAPS.

The first networking event for Young Researchers at CAAPS took place at “Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg” (21.-23.11.22). In short presentations, the participants presented not only their working groups but also their specific fields of research.

Teilnehmende des ersten Verneztungstreffen der Young Researcher im CAAPS
Vernetzungstreffen der Young Researcher im November 2022 ? University of Augsburg
