


CAAPS Retreat

From 09.04.24 to 10.04.24 the members of CAAPS will meet at the Haus der Bayerischen Landwirtschaft in Herrsching am Ammersee to discuss important matters of the center.

Interaction of mathematics and materials science

28.02.24 - 01.03.24


Interdisciplinary research between applied mathematicians and material scientists lays the foundation to leverage the full potential of novel materials. However, the disciplines use different terminology and have limited insight to each other’s daily work. For example, a material scientist may wonder which parameters are needed to model a specific behavior, while a mathematician wonders how certain parameters can be determined experimentally. Therefore, we organize a workshop targeted to doctoral students at the intersection of material modeling and material characterization.


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Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 1
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 2
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 3
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 4
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 5
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 6
? University of Augsburg
Workshop Mathematik und Materialwissenschaften Bild 7
? University of Augsburg

Dynamics of interfaces: From applied math to physics and material science


04.03.2024 - 06.03.2024


Interfaces appear in many physical and biological systems, where they can generate forces and drive fluxes of molecules. However, the molecular size and the fluctuations of the interfaces pose various challenges for experimentalists and theorists. This workshop will bring together diverse researchers interested in interface dynamics using experiments, numerical simulations, and mathematical analysis.


further information

2nd CAAPS Colloquium

The CAAPS Colloquium combines networking meetings with lectures on? specialized topics. On February 27 from 4 p.m., two outstanding speakers, Philipp Klahn and Thomas Gutsmann, will give talks on "Mimicking natures design - From antimicrobial siderophore-drug conjugates, novel griselimycins and artificial glucosinolates" and "How pathogenes can kill and be killed by membrane-active peptides". This will be followed by further networking and a reception.

Registration requested by February 21, 2024.



2nd Networking Days for Young Researchers at CAAPS.

The second networking event for Young Researchers at CAAPS took place from the 6th to the 8th of November 2023 at “Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg.”


In addition to networking, the young researchers expanded their knowledge in the workshop "Smart Work - How to Manage Clarity, Focus, and Energy in Collaboration and Daily Work" and focused in particular on establishing structures that support collaboration and teamwork.

2nd CAAPS Symposium

The second symposium of the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Science took place on October 16 at 16:30 in 1001T (H?rsaalzentrum Physik).? Organized by Rainer Lienhart, André Uschmajew and Ursula Wei?, the thematic focus of the talks was on perception and machine learning in computer science and mathematics. Once a year, renowned invited speakers give lectures on different topics in the symposium.

This year, they were Ozan ?ktem, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, on "Scientific machine learning: An overview with applications to inverse problems" and Daniel Cremers, TU Munich, on "3D Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning".

In addition, local young scientists were given a platform in the form of a poster session.



Organisatoren und Sprecher CAAPS Symposium
? University of Augsburg

Workshop "Scientific Communication"

Clear and effective communication is essential for the progress of science and the dissemination of important research results. In a "Scientific communication" workshop, Young Researchers at CAAPS spent a day on March 16, 2023, exploring the latest communication trends, tools, and techniques.

1st CAAPS Colloquium

Beginning on the 23rd of February, the CAAPS Colloquium takes place every six months alternating with a symposium. The event focuses on specific topics accompanied with presentations and networking meetings. Organised by Fabian Pauly and Rainer Lienhart, the series started with a focus on quantum science and quantum computing and the speakers Rainer Blatt (scientific director of the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) in Innsbruck and scientific coordinator of Munich Quantum Valley) on “The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements” and Florian Marquardt (director of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light in Erlangen) on “Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Technologies.”

1st Networking Event for Young Researchers at CAAPS.

The first networking event for young researchers at CAAPS took place at “Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg” (21.-23.11.22). In short presentations, the participants presented not only their working groups but also their specific fields of research.

1st CAAPS Symposium

The annually planned series of CAAPS symposia started with the inaugural symposium on the 19th of October in 2022. Organised by Janina Bahnemann, Dietmar Koch, and Daniel Peterseim, the first symposium featured presentations by Prof. Ester Segal (TECHNION Israel Institute of Technology) entitled “Towards Rapid Point-of-Care Antimicrobial Susceptibility Diagnostics” and Prof. Gerard Vignoles (Université de Bordeaux) on “Ceramic Composite Materials Development and the Role of Intensive Numerical Computation.” Once a year, renowned speakers are invited to give lectures on different topics. In addition, Young Researchers at Augsburg will be provided with a platform in the form of a poster session. For further information, see here:

