

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit

Full Professor
Faculty of Business and Economics
Phone: +49 821 598 - 4431
Fax: +49 821 598 - 4432
Room: 1410 (J)
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 16, 86159 Augsburg

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Thu. 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. (in person or via zoom) ??please register at the office.


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Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit is a professor and chair of Information Systems and Management at the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Augsburg, Germany.


In his research, Prof. Dr. Veit is interested in questions regarding the effect of the digital transformation and the resulting new phenomena in enterprises and society. His main research interest lays in the investigation of influencing factors regarding an economically, societally and ecologically sustainable future. He focuses primarily on theory building research. From a methodological point of view, he employs qualitative and quantitative empirical methods to gain insights into the effects of digitization in business and society. He publishes his research results together with his research team as well as international cooperation partners in globally leading scientific journals. He also engages in transferring research results into practice by giving invited talks and conducting workshops and seminars for practitioners. In this context founded the? Institute for Digitalization Research e.V. in the year 2014.


Veit studied Mathematics at the TU Munich and Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen (MSc 1999) and spent parts of his undergraduate studies at the TU Vienna and University of Maryland, College Park, US. In 2002, he earned his Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business Engineering of the University of Karlsruhe (TH) on a topic covering economic effects of the methods of distributed artificial intelligence.

In the year 2003 he was admitted to the young researchers promotion program of the Volkswagen Foundation. During 2005 Dr. Veit worked as a visiting scholar at the department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research of the University of California, Berkeley. From the year 2003 to 2006 he was an assistant professor at University of Karlsruhe (TH) where he defended his second doctorate (habilitation).

During?the years?2006 to 2013 he held a full professor position at the Business School of the University of Mannheim where he was the Dieter Schwarz Endowed Chair for Business Administration and Information Systems. From 2007 to 2008 he held the position of the Associate Dean for International Relations of the business school. In the role of the Academic Director and member of the board of Mannheim Business School Ltd. he formed the ESSEC&Mannheim Weekend Executive MBA Program in the years 2007 to 2013 and developed it to one of Germany's leading Executive MBA programs.

From 2009 to 2023 he held a visiting professor position at the Department of Digitalization at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. In this role he received visiting professor grants of the Villum Foundation and the Otto M?nsted Foundation. In 2019 he received an offer to join The University of Queensland Business School in Brisbane, Australia, as a tenured full professor which he declined. Since Fall 2023 he holds a visiting professor postition at Lund School of Economics and Management, Sweden.


In the past years, Dr. Veit published a large number of articles in leading scientific journals and contributions in proceedings of leading international conferences. Amongst others, the work of Dr. Veit has been accepted for publication in Management Information Systems Quarterly, in the Journal of Management Information Systems, in the Information Systems Journal, in the European Journal of Information Systems, in the?Journal of Service Research?as well as proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). He has frequently been serving as track chair and associate editor for the ICIS, ECIS conference series. He served as one of the program chairs for ECIS 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. At ECIS 2014 he received the conference best paper award in Tel Aviv, Israel. He received the Outstanding Reviewer 2019 Award of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.


Professor Veit serves as a Senior Editor on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and as a Senior Editor as well on the Editorial Board of the Information Systems Journal. Professor Veit is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Economics. For the journal Internet Research he serves as a Disitingushed Advisor.


Research projects of Prof. Veit were funded by a number of public funding bodies. These include amongst others the Framework Programme of the European Union, the VolkswagenStiftung, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany. Prof. Veit was regularly assessing reserach grant proposals for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Framework Programme of the European Union, the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Reseach, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection as well as a number of other public and private third-party funding organizations.


In his teaching concept at the chair, Professor Veit intends to implement the Humboldtian model of higher education. Latest publications from business, economics and digitalization research are included and discussed in the lectures and seminars. The lectures are phenomenologically conceptualized. Topics are deepened in seminars which are offered in on bachelor and master level. Based on the seminars, final theses (bachelor/master) are offered in which the candidates are completing an own research project under close supervision by the research team of the chair. For his teaching concept, Professor Veit received the outstanding teaching award 2016 by the student representation and the dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics of University of Augsburg. Doctoral students at the chair are regularly attending phenomenologically and methodology oriented courses which are held by the internationally most outstanding scholars in their respective fields of expertise. Together with a large group of bavarian colleagues he initiated the International Doctoral Network in Information Systems (IDIS) in the year 2023. The aim of IDIS is to concentrate the structured doctoral education in the field of Information Systems in Bavaria.


In a number of invited talks, Professor Veit spoke about innovative energy markets, markets for computing resources and services, innovative digital business models as well as phenomena emerging during the increasing digitalization of enterprises and society. Amongst others he held invited talks at the Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, the Washington State University, the Smith School of Business at Queens University, Canada, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Aalto University School of Business, Finland, the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, the?Warwick Business School, UK, the University of Queensland Business School, Australia, the Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and the e-IRG E-Infrastructures reflection group of the German EU-Presidency. Prof. Veit is consulting several corporations and has been conducting consulting contracts for a number of state and federal ministries.


Scholars emerging from the reserach group of Professor Veit received a large number of calls from German and international universities. From the reserach group of Professor Veit the following scholars emerged: Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich (Doctoral defense in 2008) today at Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Manuel Trenz (Doctoral defense in 2014, Habilitation in 2018) today at Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Prof. Dr. Dennis Steininger (Doctoral defense in 2016) today at Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau, Prof. Dr. Philipp Wunderlich (Doctoral defense in 2012) today at ESB Business School of the Reutlingen University, and Ass. Prof. Dr. Lars Andraschko (Doctoral defense in 2024) today at ESSEC Business School in Paris-Cergy. Moreover, a number of former master students of Professor Veit pursued a scientific career at other chairs or abroad and have been appointed professors later. A large number of doctoral graduates as well as former master students of the reseach group of Professor Veit are today working in leading positions in the private and public sector.


Professor Veit is member of the following professional associations: German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Association for Information Systems (since Summer 2022 AIS Distinguished Member Cum Laude), and the Gesellschaft für Informatik. Since 2023 Professor Veit is representing University of Augsburg as trust professor for the Stiftung Bayerische EliteAkademie.

Selected Publications

Karwatzki, Sabrina, Trenz, Manuel, & Veit, Daniel (2022). The multidimensional nature of privacy risks: conceptualisation, measurement and implications for digital services. https://doi.org/10.1111/isj.12386
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Frey, Alexander, Trenz, Manuel, & Veit, Daniel (2019). Three differentiation strategies for competing in the sharing economy. https://doi.org/10.17705/2msqe.00013
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Wunderlich, Philipp, Veit, Daniel, & Sarker, Saonee (2019). Adoption of sustainable technologies: a mixed-methods study of German households. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2019/12112
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Trenz, Manuel, Huntgeburth, Jan, & Veit, Daniel (2019). How to succeed with cloud services? A dedication-constraint model of cloud success. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-017-0494-0
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Karwatzki, Sabrina, Dytynko, Olga, Trenz, Manuel, & Veit, Daniel (2017). Beyond the personalization–privacy paradox: privacy valuation, transparency features, and service personalization. https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2017.1334467
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Karwatzki, Sabrina, Trenz, Manuel, Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina, & Veit, Daniel (2017). Adverse consequences of access to individuals' information: an analysis of perceptions and the scope of organisational influence. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41303-017-0064-z
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Veit, Daniel, Clemons, Eric, Benlian, Alexander, Buxmann, Peter, Hess, Thomas, Kundisch, Dennis, Leimeister, Jan Marco, Loos, Peter, & Spann, Martin (2014). Business models: an information systems research agenda. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-013-0308-y
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Hauff, Sabrina, Huntgeburth, Jan, & Veit, Daniel (2014). Exploring uncertainties in a marketplace for cloud computing: a revelatory case study. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-014-0719-3
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Wunderlich, Philipp, Kranz, Johann, Totzek, Dirk, Veit, Daniel, & Picot, Arnold (2013). The impact of endogenous motivations on adoption of IT-enabled services: the case of transformative services in the energy sector. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670512474841
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Administrative roles at the University of Augsburg
