

Dr. Nikolaus Seitz

Assistant professor
Chair of Management & Organisation
Phone: +49 821 598 - 4168
Fax: +49 821 598 - 4228
Room: 2302 (J)
Open hours: By arrangement
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 16, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Nikolaus Seitz is an Assistant Professor at the Chair of Corporate Management and Organization. In 2017, he received his doctoral degree from Augsburg University for his dissertation on “Culture, Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. Between 2019 and 2022, Dr. Seitz was Deputy Professor at the Chair of International Management at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München, LMU Munich School of Management.


His research intersects the fields of innovation and strategic entrepreneurship with a focus on technology transfer and collaborations between corporates and startups. Dr. Seitz?s research articles have gained international visibility and have been published in renowned academic journals and conference proceedings, including AOM, BABSON, the Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics. He is a reviewer for a variety of top tier journals and research fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University. He teaches also at Grand école EMLYON and University of Applied Science Munich.


Dr. Nikolaus Seitz also served as the Co-Director of the Augsburg Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) and was involved in the conception and formulation of the successful EXIST-funded proposal "Unlocking Potential in Augsburg," which led to the establishment of the StartHub.


In 2022, Dr. Seitz was awarded the Kurt and Felicitas Viermetz Science Prize for outstanding achievements at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Augsburg. Dr. Seitz is a certified Business Coach, and severs as Innovation Trainer and Startup Mentor in various accelerators and incubation programs.


2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014


Nikolaus Seitz, Erik E. Lehmann und Patrick Haslanger
Corporate accelerators: design and startup performance

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Patrick Haslanger, Erik E. Lehmann und Nikolaus Seitz
The performance effects of corporate venture capital: a meta-analysis

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David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann und Nikolaus Seitz
Amenities, subcultures, and entrepreneurship

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Nikolaus Seitz, Erik E. Lehmann und Patrick Haslanger
Does corporate venture capital deliver performance? A meta-analysis

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Nikolaus Seitz, Erik E. Lehmann und Patrick Haslanger
Corporate accelerators and start-up performance – evidence from Germany

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David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann, Matthias Menter und Nikolaus Seitz
Public cluster policy and firm performance: evaluating spillover effects across industries

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James A. Cunningham, Erik E. Lehmann, Matthias Menter und Nikolaus Seitz
The impact of university focused technology transfer policies on regional innovation and entrepreneurship

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Nikolaus Seitz
Culture, Entrepreneurship and Innovation : Freedom, Tolerance and the Role of Subcultures

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David B. Audretsch, Nikolaus Seitz und Katherine Margaret Rouch
Tolerance and innovation: the role of institutional and social trust

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Erik E. Lehmann und Nikolaus Seitz
Creativity and entrepreneurship: culture, subculture and new centure creation

BibTeX | RIS

Erik E. Lehmann und Nikolaus Seitz
Freedom and innovation: a country and state level analysis

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Erik E. Lehmann, Nikolaus Seitz und Katharine Wirsching
Smart finance for smart places to foster new venture creation

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Nikolaus Seitz
Linking CSR to national competitiveness and innovation

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Thomas Schwartz und Nikolaus Seitz
Ethische Verantwortung im Bereich Compliance

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Weitere Publikationen

A: Refereed book chapters

Corporate Accelerators Start-up Performance - Empirical Evidence. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, Boston (MA, USA) (with P. Haslanger and E. E. Lehmann), forthcoming. (HVB JQ 3: C)

Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Culture, Subculture, and New Venture Creation, in: Wagner, M., Valls-Pasola, J., Burger-Helmchen, T. (Eds.): The Global Management of Creativity, 2017, Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Culture, Subculture, and New Venture Creation, Routledge Publishing, 2017, 97-121, (with E. E. Lehmann).

Linking CSR to National Competitiveness and Innovation, in: University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, Springer International Publishing, 261-284. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-17713-7.

Ethische Verantwortung im Bereich Compliance, in: Compliance Officer, 2014, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 283-296, (mit T. Schwartz).


B. Conferences

Corporate Accelerators and Start-up Performance – Empirical Evidence. AOM Academy of Management, Boston (MA, USA), 9.-13. Aug. 2019 (with P. Haslanger).

Corporate Acceleration and Start-up Performance – Empirical Evidence. EURAM European Academy of Management, Lisboa, 26.-28. Jun. 2019 (with P. Haslanger).

Corporate Accelerators and Start-up Performance – Empirical Evidence. DRUID 19, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 19.-21. Jun. 2019, (with P. Haslanger).

Corporate Acceleration and Start-up Performance – Empirical Evidence. VHB Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehrer Jahrestagung, Rostock, 12-14. Jun. 2019, (with P. Haslanger).

Policy Mix: The Performance of Cluster vs. Excellence Policy and Regional Innovation. VHB Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehrer Jahrestagung, Rostock, 12.-14. Jun. 2019, (with D. B. Audretsch and M. Menter).

Performance of Technology Transfer Offices in Germany. Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference (T2S2018). Valencia, 17.-18. Oct. 2018, (with M. Menter).

Subcultures and Startup Ecosystems. 4th Geography of Innovation Conference, University of Barcelona. 31. Jan.-2 Feb. 2018.

Tolerance and Innovation: The Role of Institutional and Social Trust, Paper Presentation: XXVII Riunione Scientifica Annuale dell`Associazione Italiana Ingegeneria Gestionale on “Higher Education and Socio-Economic Development”, University of Bergamo, 13.-14. Oct. 2016.

Smart cities and the Creative Class, Paper Presentation: Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference 2015 on “Micro, Institutional and Practice Perspectives of Technology Transfer”, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin (IR), 28.-30. Oct. 2015.


C. Invited presentations/workshops

Policy Mix: The Performance of Cluster vs. Excellence Policy and Regional Innovation. Invited workshop participation, by David B. Audretsch (Indiana University), Berlin, 8.-9. Mar. 2019, (with M. Menter).

Corporate Acceleration and Corporate Performance. Creative Spark Workshop. Invited workshop participation, by David B. Audretsch (Indiana University), Berlin, 8.-9. Mar. 2019, (with P. Haslanger).

Corporate Acceleration and Startup Performance: Evidence from Germany. DRUID Young Researchers Workshop, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 17.-18. Jan. 2019, (with P. Haslanger).

Bought Innovation: The Role of the Regional Ecosystems in M&A Decisions. Evidence from Germany?s New Market, Berlin. Invited workshop participation: Indiana University & Henley Business School, Berlin, 8.-9. Mar. 2018.

Subcultures and Startup Ecosystems. Invited workshop participation; Knowledge Frontiers and Knowledge Boundaries in Europe (NFNB 2017), Free University of Bolzano, 12.-13. Sept- 2017 (with E. E. Lehmann).

Culture and Entrepreneurship, Paper Presentation: International Workshop on “Entrepreneurship from an Evolutionary Perspective: New Research Challenges” University of Barcelona, 6. Sept. 2016.

Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Culture, Subculture, and New Venture Creation, Paper Presentation: Workshop “Global Management of Creativity in the Digital Age. University of Augsburg, 18.-19. Feb. 2016.

Tolerance and Innovation, Paper Presentation: 2nd International Workshop on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Innovation and Regional Competitiveness”, University of Reading, Henley Business School, Whiteknights (UK), 12.-13. Dec. 2014.


D. Recent paper projects

The Performance of Corporate Venture Capital – A Meta-Analysis (with P. Haslanger and E.E. Lehmann), under review at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (VHB JQ 3: A)

Policy Mix: The Performance of Cluster vs. Excellence Policy and Regional Innovation. (with D. B. Audretsch, E. E. Lehmann and M. Menter), under review at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (VHB JQ 3: A)

Corporate Accelerator and Start-up Performance – Empirical Evidence. (with P. Haslanger and E. E. Lehmann), in preparation for submission to Journal of Business Venturing. (VHB JQ 3: A)

Corporate Accelerator or Corporate Venture Capital – the Advantages and Disadvantages of Equity investments for Start-up Performance: A Comparative Analysis (with P. Haslanger), working paper.
