


Please note: The information given on this page only concerns students of the master’s program EPP (examination regulations PO 2018 or later).


Course overview

Detailed information on the courses can be found in the faculty’s current course schedules, the module catalogs, in the Digicampus and on the websites of the respective chairs.





Program Structure


The master's program in Economics and Public Policy consists of four terms. Ideally, the first three semesters are used to acquire the neccessary methodical knowledge and expertise to enable you to work on your master's thesis in the fourth term.


The program is modular and comprises the module groups Advanced Methods, Major Economics, a Minor and the Master’s thesis. In the module group Advanced Methods students must attend the classes on Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Econometrics. Within their major and minor, students can choose from a broad variety of topics and subjects



? University of Augsburg



In order to make it easier for you to find your way around in the Major Economics, a list of the courses is given at the end, broken down by the subject areas of the chairs of the Institute of Economics. For more detailed information, please visit the websites of the chairs or get in touch with the contact persons of the respective chairs.


Chairholder: Diekert

Winter term

  • Economics of Sustainable Resource Use
  • Seminar Environmental and Climate Economics

Summer term

  • Seminar Environmental and Climate Economics

Chairholder: Heer

Winter term

  • Public Economics: Taxation

  • Seminar Public Economics

Summer term

  • Computational Overlapping Generation Models

Chairholder: Mau?ner

Winter term

  • Macroeconomics (methods course)
  • Seminar in Empirical Macroeconomics
  • Economic Growth and Development

Summer term

  • Computational Macroeconomics II

Chairholder: Michaelis

Summer term

  • Environmental Economics
  • International Environmental Policy II
  • Seminar in Environmental and Resource Economics

Chairholder: Nuscheler

Winter term

  • Health Economics – Topics

Summer term

  • Health Economics – Financing
  • Microeconometrics

Chairholder: Roeder

Winter term

  • Political Economics

Summer term

  • Microeconomics (Master)
  • Seminar on Applied Microeconomics

Chairholder: Welzel

Winter term

  • Financial Intermediation and Regulation

Summer term

  • Competition Theory and Policy
  • Seminar on Industrial Economics and Information


In order to get the admission to attend the master’s program Economics and Public Policy you have to participate in an admission procedure.


Further information about the aptitude test procedure

Contact person

Assistant Professor
Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
  • Room 2408 (Building J)
Doctoral Student
Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler: Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik
  • Room 2437 (Building J)
