

Dr. Sergi Morales-Gálvez

Beginning on January 9, 2023, Dr. Sergi Morales-Gálvez will start a two-month research stay in the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Augsburg.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Bellingradt

Prof. Dr. Daniel Bellingradt is a historian and a book and communication scholar. He is currently a visiting professor at the Institute for European Cultural History at the University of Augsburg since October 2022. He has previously held professorships in Erlangen, Mainz and Munich.

Jane Edwards

Jane Edwards will be a lecturer in the Master's program as well as a supervisor and consultant in research projects, contributing her expertise, especially in Qualitative Research Methods and Music Therapy in Medical Applications.

Prof. Dr. Attilio Carraro

From May 2 to June 3 and from July 4 to July 15, 2022, Prof. Dr. Carraro will be a guest at the Chair of Sport Pedagogy.

Prof. Dr. Maiia Dernova

From June 1, Prof. Dr. Maiia Dernova will be employed for six months period at the University of Augsburg for the Chair of Adult and Continuing Education.

Dr. Lidija Havrylyuks

Starting June 1, Dr. Lidija Havrylyuks will be employed for six months at the University of Augsburg at the Chair of Adult and Continuing Education.

Prof. Dr. Antonella Corradini

Prof. Dr. Antonella Corradini was a guest at the Chair of Philosophy with a focus on analytic philosophy and philosophy of science from June 1 to August 31, 2022.

Prof. em. Dr. Greta Pennell

Prof. Emer Dr. Greta Pennell was a guest at the Department of Childhood and Adolescent Education on June 29, 2022.

Bengü Cilal?

Bengü Cilal? was a guest doctoral student at the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in June 2022. She is pursuing her Ph.D. at Bilkent University's Graduate School of Education in Turkey.

Alla Hemi

Alla Hemi was a visiting doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in June 2022.

Prof. Dr. Sean McGrath

Prof. Dr. Sean McGrath was guest at the Chair of Philosophy with a focus on analytic philosophy and philosophy of science from 19.04. to 11.05.2022.

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Holmqvist

On 17.1.2022, Prof. Dr. Kenneth Holmqvist was a guest in the Eye Tracking working group (Professorship Methods of Empirical Instructional Research).

Prof. Dr. Ruth Butler

Prof. Dr. Ruth Butler was a guest at the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in July 2019.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Bellingradt

Daniel Bellingradt is a historian and a book and communication scholar. He is currently a visiting professor at the Institute for European Cultural History at the University of Augsburg since October 2022. He has previously held professorships in Erlangen (junior professorship for book studies), Mainz (assistant professorship for book studies), and Munich (assistant professorship for the history of the early modern period). He got his PhD in journalism and communication studies (2010) at Freie Universit?t Berlin after studying history, English, journalism, and communication studies at Freie Universit?t Berlin, Humboldt Universit?t Zu Berlin, and University College Dublin (Ireland). In 2018, he was awarded the Maria Weber Grant to encourage excellent postdoctoral academics (Hans B?ckler Foundation). In 2021, he was awarded the Venia legendi for the subject of book studies and appointed as a valued professor of the Hans B?ckler Foundation. He is the co-editor of the (Yearbook for the History of Communication) researches and teaches aspects of the history of media and communication in the modern era and enjoys experimenting with the possibilities of digital historical culture.


From time to time, Daniel Bellingradt can be heard on the radio and in podcasts, read in printed newspapers and online media, and also seen on TV - for example, in the ZDF program .


As a peer reviewer, Bellingradt is active for the European Research Council (ERC), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Estonian Research Council (ETAg), and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen / Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), among others. ?


An insight into Bellingradt's research, activities and publications is provided by these links:

and .

Prof. Dr. Ruth Butler

Prof. Dr. Ruth Butler was a guest at the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in July 2019.

Prof. Dr. Ruth Butler is an internationally recognized psychologist in the field of educational psychology and currently works at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research on teacher and student motivation, motivation and development between early and middle childhood, the development of self-evaluation and social comparison, and gender and motivation has significantly impacted the field.

During her visit, she taught a block seminar on international perspectives on learning and teaching. She presented in the Psychological Research Colloquium her latest research on motivation in educational contexts.


Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ruth-Butler

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9vWF698AAAAJ&hl=en


Foto von Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Dr. Attilio Carraro

From May 2 to June 3 and from July 4 to July 15, 2022, Prof. Dr. Carraro will be a guest at the Chair of Sport Pedagogy.


Since 2019 he has been a Full Professor for Sport Pedagogy at the Free University of Bolzano (Italy). Before that, in 2006, he was an Associate Professor for Sport Pedagogy at the University of Padua (University of Padova), Italy.


Website: https://www.unibz.it/en/faculties/education/academic-staff/person/42261-attilio-carraro



Research foci: Physical Education Teacher Education, Sport and Health, Value Education in Physical Education and Sport


Foto von: Universit?t Bozen

Some selected publications:


Carraro, A. & Gobbi, E. (2016). Muoversi per star bene. Una guida introduttiva all’attività fisica. Roma: Carocci. ISBN: 9788874666973

Probst, M., & Carraro, A. (Eds.) (2014). Physical activity and mental health: a practice-oriented approach. Milano: EdiErmes. ISBN-10: 8870513866

  • Maltagliati, S., Carraro, A., Escriva-Boulley, G., Bertollo, M., Tessier, D., Colangelo, A., Papaioannou, A., di Fronso, S., Cheval, B., Gobbi, E., &; Sarrazin, P. (2022). Predicting changes in physical education teachers’ behaviors promoting physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic using an integrated motivational model. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, doi: 10.1123/jtpe.2021-0116
  • Gobbi, E., Bertollo, M., Colangelo, A., Carraro, A., di Fronso, S. (2021). Primary school physical education at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: Could online teaching undermine teachers’ self-efficacy and work engagement? Sustainability, 13(17), 13, 9830, doi: 10.3390/su13179830.
  • Greguol, M., Conti, M., Marson Malagodi, B., Barboza Seron, B.,Cappellazzo Souto, E., Carraro, A. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity practice of people with disabilities. Education Sciences & Society, 1-202, 242-253.
  • Malagodi, B.M., Greguol, M., Carraro, A., Cavazzotto, T.G., & Sarassuelo H.J. (2021). Effects of a multimodal physical exercise program on physical and mental health indicators in males with substance use disorder. ABCS Health Sciences, 46:e021208.
  • Amatori, S., Barley, O.R., Gobbi, E., Vergoni, D., Carraro, A., Baldari, C., Guidetti, L., Bruno, M., Rocchi, L., Perroni, F., & Sisti, D. (2020). Factors influencing weight loss practices in Italian boxers: A cluster analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 8727.
  • Carraro, A., Gnech, M., Sarto, F., Sarto, D., Sp?rri, J., & Masiero, S. (2020). Lower back complaints in adolescent competitive alpine skiers: A cross-sectional study. Applied Sciences, 10, 7408.
  • Gobbi, E., Maltagliati, M., Sarrazin, P., di Fronso, S., Colangelo, A., Cheval, B., Escriva-Boulley, G., Tessier, D., Demirhan, G., Erturan, G., Yüksel, Y., Papaioannou, A., Bertollo, M., & Carraro, A. (2020). Promoting Physical activity during school closures imposed by the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic: physical education teach-ers’ behaviors in France, Italy and Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 9431.
  • Malagodi, B.M., Carraro A. Greguol, M., Pererira, G., Cavazzotto, T., Serassuelo, H. (2020). Postural control of people in treatment for substance use disorder. Motriz, Rio Claro, 26(2), 2e10200010.
  • Rosenbaum, S., Morell, R., … Carraro, A., & Ward, P.B. (2020). Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ). BMC Psychiatry.
  • Wolf, R., Locks, R.R., Lopes, P.B., Bento, P.C.B., Rodacki, A.L.F., Carraro, A., & Pereira, G. (2020). Multicomponent exercise training improves gait ability of older women rather than strength training: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Ageing Research, 6345753.
  • Carraro, A., Elliot, C., & Gobbi, E. (2019). Perceived treadmill function is correlated with enjoyment of use in trained runners: a user-centered approach. Applied Ergonomics, 74, 37-40.
  • Carraro, A., Gobbi, E., Solmi, M., Watkins, A., Ward, P.B., & Rosenbaum, S. (2019). Test–retest reliability of the Italian version of the M-BACK questionnaire to assess the barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of mental health staff regarding metabolic health of psychiatric patients. Brain and Behavior, 10(2), e01491.
  • Gobbi, E., Visentin, S., & Carraro, A. (2019). Barriere all’attività fisica di giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva percepite dai loro genitori e allenatori - Barriers to physical activity of young adults with intellectual disability perceived by their parents and coaches. Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion, 7(2), 374-387.
  • Maselli, M, Gobbi, E, Carraro, A. (2019). Effectiveness of individual counselling and activity monitors to promote physical activity among university students. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 59(1), 132-140.
  • Maselli, M., Gobbi, E., Probst, M., & Carraro, A. (2019). Prevalence of primary and secondary exercise dependence and its correlation with drive for thinness in practitioners of different sports and physical activities. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17(1), 89-101.
  • Carraro, A., Paoli, A., & Gobbi. E. (2018). Affective response to acute resistance exercise: A comparison of machine and free weights. Sport Sciences for Health, 14-1.
  • Gobbi, E., Greguol, M., & Carraro A. (2018). Brief report: Exploring the benefits of peer-tutored physical education programme among high school students with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intel-lectual Disabilities, 1-5.
  • Maselli, M., Ward, P., Gobbi, E., & Carraro, A. (2018). Promoting physical activity among university students: a systematic review of controlled trials. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32(7), 1602-1612.

Bengü Cilal?

Bengü Cilal? was a guest doctoral student at the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in June 2022. She is pursuing her Ph.D. at Bilkent University's Graduate School of Education in Turkey. Her research focuses on motivation in higher education and on the mindsets and motivation of teachers. After completing her doctorate, Bengü will continue her research at the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning at the University of Virginia in the USA under the Fullbright Scholarship program.


Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bengu-Cilali

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=awQq54oAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6352-095X



Foto von University of Virginia

Prof. Dr. Antonella Corradini

Prof. Dr. Antonella Corradini was a guest at the Chair of Philosophy with a focus on analytic philosophy and philosophy of science from June 1 to August 31, 2022. Her research stay was funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, of which she is an alumna. Prof. Dr. Corradini is a full professor of logic and philosophy of science at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of Milan. Her research interests relate to general philosophy of science, philosophy of psychology and humanities, philosophy of mind, and metaethics. Her project at Augsburg-Logical, Metaphysical, and Natural Possibility in Light of Essentialism-will seek to bring together metaphysics, logic, and philosophy of mind, with particular attention to the notion of conceivability.




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Prof. Dr. Maiia Dernova

Prof. Dr. Maiia Dernova will conduct research on Adult and Continuing Education by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Meilhammer on vocational higher education in European countries for six months at the Chair of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of Augsburg from 1 June and will participate in a series of conferences of the Chair. He lectures and conducts research as a professor in the field of scientific adult and further education at the National Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi University Kremenchuk.

Jane Edwards

Jane Edwards will be a lecturer in the Master's program as well as a supervisor and consultant in research projects, contributing her expertise, especially in Qualitative Research Methods and Music Therapy in Medical Applications. On Oct. 20, 2022, at 7 p.m., she will give a public lecture, "Music and Medicine", in the concert hall of the Leopold Mozart Center.


The visiting scholar is internationally known for her numerous and notable publications and editorships, for her leadership role in the International Association for Music & Medicine (IAMM), and as the longtime editor-in-chief of the journal The Arts in Psychotherapy. She is currently Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education at the University of New England, Australia.


Dr. Lidija Havrylyuks

Beginning on June 1, Dr. Lidija Havrylyuks will start a six-month position in the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Augsburg.?

Dr. Lidija Havrylyuk's research topic is overcoming the social isolation of older people after the pandemic (in Ukraine). She will continue it at the Chair of pedagogy with a focus on the adult and continuing education of Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Meilhammer.

She is a lecturer and deputy head of the Pedagogy and Social Work Department at the National Yuri Fedkovych University in Chernivtsi.

Alla Hemi

Alla Hemi was a visiting doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg in June 2022. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Counseling at the School of Education at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Her main research focuses on motivation in educational contexts, particularly achievement goals, motivational climate, and identity formation styles.


Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alla-Hemi

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zRkGt7EAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8678-152X


Foto von Bar Ilan University

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Holmqvist

On 17.1.2022, Prof. Dr. Kenneth Holmqvist was a guest in the Eye Tracking working group (Professorship Methods of Empirical Instructional Research).

Kenneth Holmqvist is a professor of psychology at the University of Regensburg, Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland), and North-West University (South Africa) and is considered one of the world's leading experts on eye tracking.

At the invitation of Prof. Dr. Andreas Gegenfurtner, he spoke about his research in the context of empirical classroom research in a lecture entitled: "Eye tracking method, some classroom research, and a tentative EMME review."

Dr. Sergi Morales-Gálvez

Beginning on January 9, 2023, Dr. Sergi Morales-Gálvez will start a two-month research stay in the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Augsburg. He is working on a project in the field of political theory dedicated to work on questions of linguistic justice, authority, and federalism, especially on ideals related to the right to self-governance of minority language groups.

He is a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellow in political theory in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick (Ireland).




Foto von privat

Prof. Dr. Sean McGrath

The IDK (Internationales Doktorand:innenkolleg,) invited Prof. Dr. Sean McGrath to be a guest at the Chair of Philosophy with a focus on analytic philosophy and philosophy of science from 19.04. to 11.05.2022.


Sean McGrath is a professor at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.





Foto von privat

Prof. em. Dr. Greta Pennell

Prof. Emer Dr. Greta Pennell was a guest at the Department of Childhood and Adolescent Education on June 29, 2022.


Greta Pennell was a Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Indianapolis, USA, until her retirement in 2021. She is currently vice president of the International Toy Research Association (ITRA). Her research focuses on gender studies and toy research.


She gave a lecture on "Toys, Play, and Gender" in Volker Mehringer's graduate seminar titled "Education and Socialization Processes in Childhood and Adolescence Pedagogy."



