

Dr. Mechthild Roos

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Politikwissenschaft, vergleichende Systemanalyse (Europa und Nordamerika)
Telefon: +49 821 598 5869
Fax: +49 821 598 5669
Raum: 3036 (D)
Sprechzeiten: Di., 11:00-12:00 Uhr. Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin per E-Mail.
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 10, 86159 Augsburg


Seit 06/2021

Moderatorin, "Ideas on Europe"
( )

06/2021-08/2022 Young Form Gastein Scholarship, European Health Forum Gastein



Gew?hltes Ausschussmitglied, Executive Committee
02/2019-04/2019 Gastforscherin, Max-Planck-Institut für europ?ische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt
seit 10/2018 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Prof. Dr. Peter A. Kraus, Universit?t Augsburg
seit 09/2017 Country Coordinator on Luxembourg, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem )
04/2017 Erasmus+ grant for staff mobility, G?teborgs Universitet
06/2016 Erasmus+ grant for staff mobility, Technische Universit?t Chemnitz
05/2015-04/2018 Promotionsstipendium, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
03/2015-11/2016 Jean Monnet Guest Scholar, CCCU Centre for European Studies, Canterbury Christ Church University
09/2014-09/2018 Doktorandin und wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universit?t Luxemburg (Titel der Dissertation: "The Power of Nuisance: The European Parliament's Gain in Power in the Area of Community Social Policy, 1952-1979", erfolgreich verteidigt im Juli 2018 mit Bestnote 'excellent')
seit 09/2014 Koordinatorin des Real-Time-Twitterprojekts @RealTimeWW1 (Gewinner des 1. Preises beim Europ?ischen Jugend-Karlspreis 2015)
06/2013-12/2015 Cataloguer beim Datensammlungsprojekt www.europeana1914-1918.eu , University of Oxford




  • European migration policies and incorporation regimes

  • Policies and politics in European health systems

  • European social and employment policy

  • The EU political system, especially the institutional evolution of the European Parliament Institutionalisation processes

  • European integration and European integration theories

  • The impact of ideas and socialisation on political actors' behaviour

  • Informal politics


(Angewandte Filter: Semester: aktuelles | Institutionen: Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft | Dozenten: Mechthild Roos | Vorlesungsarten: ?bung, Seminar, Hauptseminar)
Name Semester Typ
Lehrforschungsprojekt II: The Politicisation of Health Wintersemester 2024/25 Seminar
Sozialwissenschaften und Praxis Wintersemester 2024/25 ?bung
Selektive Solidarit?t Wintersemester 2024/25 Seminar

Keine Vorlesungen vorhanden.



Mechthild?Roos: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy

Turning Talk into Power, palgrave macmillan, 2021,




Offers a major re-interpretation of the EP’s strong and proactive role in the creation of a European social dimension

Is based on a data set of approximately 4,000 EP documents from the period 1952-1979 as well as on 24 semi-structured interviews with former MEPs and EP staff

Combines established (archival research and content analysis) and rather novel methodological techniques (oral history) from History and Political Science (Link / pdf-download: )




M. Roos, ‘The European Parliament’s youth policy, 1952-1979. An attempt to create a collective memory of an integrated Europe’. Politique européenne, 71:1 (2021), pp. 28-52.
M. Roos, ‘A Parliament for the People? – The European Parliament’s Activism in the Area of Social Policy from the early 1970s to the Single European Act’. Journal of European Integration History, 27:1 (2021), pp. 37-56. M. Roos, ‘The impact of national values on health-care provisions for asylum seekers and refugees in Germany and Sweden’. DPCE Online, 45:4 (2020), pp. 5208-5225.

M. Roos, ‘Becoming Europe's Parliament: Europeanization through MEPs' Supranational Activism, 1952-79’.?Journal of Common Market Studies (early view, 2020).

L. v. Heumen & M. Roos (eds.), The Informal Construction of Europe, Routledge, 2019.

Therein: M. Roos & L. v. Heumen, 'Introduction'. M. Roos, with C. Neuhold, 'Studying the Informal in European Integration: a Research Guide'. M. Roos, ‘Die informelle Entwicklung einer supranationalen Co-Legislative: Das Europ?ische Parlament, 1952-1979’. In Christian Henrich-Franke, Claudia Hiepel, Guido Thiemeyer & Henning Türk (eds.): Grenzüberschreitende institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2019), pp. 417-446.

M. Roos, ‘La politique du Parlement européen sur l'égalité des sexes avant 1979: une réussite inattendue’.?In Anne-Laure Briatte, ?liane Gubin & Fran?oise Thébaud (eds.): L'Europe, une chance pour les femmes? Le genre de la construction européenne, Paris: ?ditions de la Sorbonne (2019), pp. 105-114.

M. Roos, ‘Zwischen Vertragsauslegung und Streben nach Macht: Informalit?t in der EU-Politik’.?Politikum, 5:3 (2019), pp. 30-36.

M. Roos, 'The informal construction of Europe'. Robert Schuman Initiative (Blog of the Robert Schuman Institute of European Affairs, University of Luxembourg), 20 March 2019.

M. Roos, 'Intra-party group unity in the European Parliament prior to its first direct elections in 1979', Parliamentary Affairs, 2018.

D. Howarth & M. Roos, 'Pushing the Boundaries. New research on the Activism of EU Supranational Institutions', Journal of Contemporary European Research, 2017, 3:2, 1007-1024.

M. Roos, 'Far Beyond the Treaties' Clauses: The European Parliament's Gain in Power, 1952-1979', Journal of Contemporary European Research, 2017, 3:2, pp. 1055-1075.

M. Roos, 'Times of Crisis, Times of Prospects: Can the EU Learn from the 1970s?', UCL Brexit Blog, 1 March 2017.

M. Roos, 'Let's Talk Business: The Economic Impact of Brexit', European Futures, 30 November 2015.

M. Roos, 'How a Brexit Would Influence the British Economy. A Four-Part Brexit Blog', Canterbury Politics and International Relations Blog, July to November 2015.

M. Roos, 'Triple-A rating? Juncker's vision for the EU's social policy scorecard', Canterbury Politics and International Relations Blog, 20 May 2015.

M. Roos, 'A snap-shot of WWI in 140 signs - one year on', Oxford University's World War I Centenary Blog: Continuations and Beginnings, 10 March 2015.

