


At the moment, Katharina Sch?ppl can best be reached through the following e-mail address of the University of Bremen:





Research Areas

  • Political Communication
  • Alternative Publics
  • Digital Communication?
  • Scientific Communication

Research Projects

DFG project: "Alternative Media - Alternative Publics - Alternative Realities? Users and modes of use of alternative media?and their significance in the media repertoire over the course of time" (2021-2024).
Under the direction of Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

Presentations and publications

Scientific publications:?


Huber, B., Schreiber, M., & Sch?ppl. K. (2023). Visual staging of scientific expertise on social media. Initial findings of an explorative content analysis of science communication on Instagram.?MedienJournal, 47(2), 15-25.


Scientific talks:




Sch?ppl, K., Schwarzenegger, C. (2024). 100+ Alternative Ways to be a Victim. Perceptions of Victimhood among Alternative News Media Users. Accepted presentation at the ECREA-Preconference?“We are all victims now” – Emotions and affects of victimhood identities in media and mediatised politics and culture. September,?Ljubljana, Slovenia.?


Schwarzenegger, C., Sch?ppl, K. (2024). Alternative media and the fluid dynamics of trust and distrust: implications for social cohesion and democracy. Accepted presentation at the?European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). September,?Ljubljana, Slovenia.




Sch?ppl, K., Schwarzenegger, C. (2023).?Distrust in - distrust through - distrust in between. Media distrust and the use of alternative media. Presentation at the?German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK)?Annual Conference of the section Sociology of Media Communication. November, Mannheim, Germany.?


Huber, B., Schreiber, M., Sch?ppl, K. (2023). "We are back at busting the bullshit":?Analyzing science communication on Instagram from a content and communicator perspective. Presentation at the?German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK)?Annual Conference on Journalism and Science Communication. September, Passau, Germany.?


Schwarzenegger, C., Sch?ppl, K. (2023). Ambivalences of News Avoidance: Alternative media use between dissatisfaction, a search for happiness and radicalization. Presentation at the International Association for Media and Communication Research?(IAMCR) Conference. July, Lyon, France.?


Sch?ppl, K., Schwarzenegger, C. (2023). Avoid, resist, avert: Alternative media use as a form of news avoidance and media resistance. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference "News avoidance, resistance, and related audience practices: definitions, predictors, and consequences." May, Toronto, Canada.?
Sch?ppl, K., Schwarzenegger, C. (2023). "Alternative authenticity?" How users of alternative media negotiate authenticity. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference "Mis/disinformation and the Artifices of Authenticity and Authentication." May, Toronto, Canada.?
Sch?ppl, K. (2023). "Let us rewrite history" - History and the past in the visual communication of alternative media. Presentation at the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK)?Annual Conference on Communication History. March, Leipzig, Germany.
Sch?ppl, K., Schwarzenegger, C. (2022).?The theft of counter-publics? Rethinking conceptual and methodological challenges for affective publics of resistance after the Corona-Pandemic. Presentation at the annual meeting of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). October, Aarhus, Denmark.?
Huber, B., Schreiber, M., Sch?ppl, K. (2022).?Visual science communication on social media: Exploring self-presentation and communication strategies of science communicators on Instagram.?Presentation at the annual meeting of the?European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). October, Aarhus, Denmark.?
Sch?ppl, K. (2022).?Conceptual amiguities, historical peculiarities, theoretical complexities. A bottom-up approach to rethink Alternative Media & Counter Public Spheres. Presentation at the?meeting of the ECREA Communication History Section?Preconference. October, via Zoom.?
Sch?ppl, K. (2022).?"Homeland Security Instead of Face Masks!" Populist Politicization of democracy, science, public health & freedom of expression in times of Covid-19. Lecture at the annual conference of the Italian Political Communication Association. July, Bologna, Italy.


Summer term 2024:

"Everybody talks about populism – Exploring an omnipresent phenomenon" (BA advanced seminar)


Winter term 2023/24:?

"Women's history as media history – Women, media & emancipation" (BA advanced seminar)


Summer term 2023:?

"Manifestations and consequences of civil disobedience: Visual communication, media and social movements" (BA advanced seminar)


Winter term 2022/23:

"Resistance, Riot and Remmidemmi – Emotionalization and Engagement in Affective Public Spheres" (BA advanced seminar)


Summer term 2022:
"Alternative Media, Counterpublics & Counterpublic Spheres. Theoretical Approaches and Conceptual Explorations" (BA advanced seminar)



Memberships and functions



  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
  • International Communication Association (ICA)
  • International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)

Academic Career

  • Since 04/2024: Research assistant at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen
  • 12/2021 - 04/2024: Research assistant at the Institute for Media, Knowledge and Communication at the University of Augsburg
  • 05/2022 - 08/2022: Project work within a study on the self-presentation of scientists on social media (University of Salzburg, University of Vienna)
  • 06/2021 - 07/2021: Project work within the international-comparative study "Mediated Parent Networks" at the University of Surrey under the direction of Dr. Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen (project leader for Austria)
  • 03/2021 - 06/2021: Tutor for the lecture "Theories of Communication Studies" (University of Salzburg)
  • 10/2020 - 06/2021: Staff member in the department "Media Use and Digital Cultures" (University of Salzburg)?
  • 2019 - 06/2022: Master of Arts in Political Science at the University of Salzburg

  • 2019 - 09/2021: Master of Arts in Communication Science at the University of Salzburg

  • 10/2018 - 06/2019: Tutor in the department "Transcultural Communication".
  • 02/2017 - 05/2017: Dipl?me d'Université "Business Administration" at the IUT Université Grenoble Alpes?
  • 2015 - 2019: Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg
  • 2015 - 2019: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of Salzburg



"Friends of Kowi Award" for Master's Thesis in Communication Studies

