

Prof. Dr. Achim Wixforth


2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986


Manuel M. Sirch, Andrej Kamenac, Simon V. Neidinger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Phase-state-dependent silica nanoparticle uptake of giant unilamellar vesicles

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Christoph Muschielok, Alexander Reiner, Richard R??-Ohlenroth, Andreas Kalytta-Mewes, Dirk Volkmer, Achim Wixforth und Harald Oberhofer
Combining theory and experiments to study the influence of gas sorption on the conductivity properties of metal–organic frameworks

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M. Kü?, F. Porrati, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht, M. Huth und Achim Wixforth
Forward volume magnetoacoustic spin wave excitation with micron-scale spatial resolution

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Stefan Thalhammer, Andreas H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Stephan Eberle, Florian Pantle, Achim Wixforth und Wolfgang Nagel
GaN heterostructures as innovative x-ray imaging sensors — change of paradigm

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K. M. Seemann, O. Gomonay, Y. Mokrousov, Andreas H?rner, S. Valencia, P. Klamser, F. Kronast, A. Erb, A. T. Hindmarch, Achim Wixforth, C. H. Marrows und P. Fischer
Magnetoelastic resonance as a probe for exchange springs at antiferromagnet-ferromagnet interfaces

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Dimitrios Topaltzikis, Marek Wielunski, Andreas L. H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Alexander Reiner, Theodor Grünwald, Matthias Schreck, Achim Wixforth und Werner Rühm
Detection of x rays by a surface acoustic delay line in contact with a diamond crystal

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Andreas Hefele, Christoph Strobl, Erik Baigar, Georg Kurzmaier, Alexander Reiner, Andreas L. H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Fluid independent flow determination by surface acoustic wave driven ultrasonic techniques

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Achim Wixforth und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in dipolar-coupled ferromagnetic bilayers

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Manuel S. Brugger, Lukas G. Schnitzler, Timo Nieberle, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave sensor for non-invasive monitoring of dynamic cell spreading and attachment in wound healing assays

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Sixuan Wang, Rudolf Herrmann, Alexander Reiner, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Surface acoustic wave enhanced water splitting reaction with methanol as a sacrificial material

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas Hefele, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Symmetry of the magnetoelastic interaction of Rayleigh and Shear horizontal magnetoacoustic waves in nickel thin films on LiTaO3

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Andrej Kamenac, Tobias Obser, Achim Wixforth, Matthias F. Schneider und Christoph Westerhausen
The activity of the intrinsically water-soluble enzyme ADAMTS13 correlates with the membrane state when bound to a phospholipid bilayer

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Andrej Kamenac, Felix L. Schilberth, Ernst Wagner, Achim Wixforth, Ulrich L?chelt und Christoph Westerhausen
Transient permeabilization of living cells: combining shear flow and acoustofluidic trapping for the facilitated uptake of molecules

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Quy Raven Luong, Andreas Hefele, Alexander Reiner, Andreas H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Ultrasonic investigation of the evaporation dynamics of subnanoliter droplets

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Anna Martina J?tten, Kirsten Moll, Mats Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Blood group and size dependent stability of P. falciparum infected red blood cell aggregates in capillaries

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya magnetoacoustic waves

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Manuel S. Brugger, Kathrin Baumgartner, Sophie C. F. Mauritz, Stefan C. Gerlach, Florian R?der, Christine Schlosser, Regina Fluhrer, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Vibration enhanced cell growth induced by surface acoustic waves as in vitro wound healing model

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Maximilian M. Sonner, Anna Sitek, Lisa Janker, Daniel Rudolph, Daniel Ruhstorfer, Markus D?blinger, Andrei Manolescu, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth, Gregor Koblmüller und Hubert J. Krenner
Breakdown of corner states and carrier localization by monolayer fluctuations in radial nanowire quantum wells

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Anna Martina J?tten, S. Angermann, Melanie E. M. Stamp, Dominik Breyer, Florian G. Strobl, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Correlation of in vitro cell adhesion, local shear flow and cell density

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Benjamin Paschke, Dmytro Denysenko, Bj?rn Bredenk?tter, German Sastre, Achim Wixforth und Dirk Volkmer
Dynamic studies on kinetic H2/D2 quantum sieving in a narrow pore metal?organic framework grown on a sensor chip

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Patrick W. Kudella, Katharina Prei?inger, Matthias Morasch, Christina F. Dirscherl, Dieter Braun, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Fission of lipid-vesicles by membrane phase transitions in thermal convection

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Florian G. Strobl, D. M. Czubak, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Ion controlled passive nanoparticle uptake in lipid vesicles in theory and experiment

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Lukas G. Schnitzler, Stefanie Junger, Dominik M. Loy, Ernst Wagner, Achim Wixforth, Andreas H?rner, Ulrich L?chelt und Christoph Westerhausen
Size tunable nanoparticle formation employing droplet fusion by acoustic streaming applied to polyplexes

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Sascha Buchegger, Andrej Kamenac, Sven Fuchs, Rudolf Herrmann, Pia Houdek, Christian Gorzelanny, Andreas Obermeier, Stephan Heller, Rainer Burgkart, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Smart antimicrobial efficacy employing pH-sensitive ZnO-doped diamond-like carbon coatings

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Per Delsing, Andrew N. Cleland, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Johannes Kn?rzer, Géza Giedke, J. Ignacio Cirac, Kartik Srinivasan, Marcelo Wu, Krishna Coimbatore Balram, Christopher B?uerle, Tristan Meunier, Christopher J. B. Ford, Paulo V. Santos, Edgar Cerda-Méndez, Hailin Wang, Hubert J. Krenner, Emeline D. S. Nysten, Matthias Wei?, Geoff R. Nash, Laura Thevenard, Catherine Gourdon, Pauline Rovillain, Max Marangolo, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Gerhard Fischerauer, Werner Ruile, Alexander Reiner, Ben Paschke, Dmytro Denysenko, Dirk Volkmer, Achim Wixforth, Henrik Bruus, Martin Wiklund, Julien Reboud, Jonathan M. Cooper, YongQing Fu, Manuel S. Brugger, Florian Rehfeldt und Christoph Westerhausen
The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Christoph Westerhausen, Wei Tong, Steven Prawer, David J. Garrett und Achim Wixforth
Acoustic streaming driven enhanced dye-uptake in cells for fluorescence imaging

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Christoph G. Wittmann, Andrej Kamenac, Florian G. Strobl, Dietmar Czubak, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Ionic strength and the supporting material strongly influence the adhesion of silica to supported lipid bilayers

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Matthias Wei?, Andreas L. H?rner, Eugenio Zallo, Paola Atkinson, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Multiharmonic frequency-chirped transducers for surface-acoustic-wave optomechanics

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Jochen Taiber, Sascha Buchegger, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Optimizing lateral homogeneity of ion-induced surface modifications of non-planar dielectric polyethylene components employing ion fluence simulations and optical measurements of the sp2-dependent reflectivity

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Manuel S. Brugger, Sarah Grundeen, Adele Doyle, Luke Theogarajan, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Orchestrating cells on a chip: employing surface acoustic waves towards the formation of neural networks

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Wladislaw Michailow, Florian J. R. Schülein, Benjamin M?ller, Edwin Preciado, Ariana E. Nguyen, Gretel von Son, John Mann, Andreas L. H?rner, Achim Wixforth, Ludwig Bartels und Hubert J. Krenner
Combined electrical transport and capacitance spectroscopy of a MoS2-LiNbO3 field effect transistor

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L. Mourokh, Achim Wixforth, F. Beil, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider und R. H. Blick
Dynamic Rabi oscillations in a quantum dot embedded in a nanobridge in the presence of surface acoustic waves

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Andrej Kamenac, Achim Wixforth, T. Obser, S. Reinhard, M. F. Schneider und Christoph Westerhausen
Enzyme activity at lipid membranes - correlation of activity and membrane state [Abstract]

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Benjamin Paschke, Achim Wixforth, Dmytro Denysenko und Dirk Volkmer
Fast Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Sensors to Investigate the Kinetics of Gas Uptake in Ultra-Microporous Frameworks

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Mario Djukelic, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Influence of neighboring adherent cells on laminar flow induced shear stress in vitro - a systematic study

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Sascha Buchegger, Natascha Schuster, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Multilayer diamond-like amorphous carbon coatings produced by ion irradiation of polymer films

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Manuel S. Brugger, S. Grundeen, L. Theogarajan, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Orchestrating cells on a chip employing standing surface acoustic waves towards neural networks [Abstract]

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Anna Martina J?tten, T. Geislinger, K. Moll, M. Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Red blood cell aggregates in malaria-the role of flow [Abstract]

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Oleg Boyarkin, Stefan Burger, Thomas Franke, Thomas Fraunholz, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Simon Kirschler, Kevin Lindner, Malte A. Peter, Florian G. Strobl und Achim Wixforth
Transport at interfaces in lipid membranes and enantiomer separation

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Patrick W. Kudella, Kirsten Moll, Mats Wahlgren, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
ARAM: an automated image analysis software to determine rosetting parameters and parasitaemia in Plasmodium samples

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Manuel S. Brugger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Acoustotaxis – in vitro stimulation in a wound healing assay employing surface acoustic waves

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Sascha Buchegger, Caroline Vogel, Rudolf Herrmann, Bernd Stritzker, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Antibacterial metal ion release from diamond-like carbon modified surfaces for novel multifunctional implant materials

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Adriano A. Torrano, Rudolf Herrmann, Claudia Strobel, Markus Rennhak, Hanna Engelke, Armin Reller, Ingrid Hiller, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Br?uchle
Cell membrane penetration and mitochondrial targeting by platinum-decorated ceria nanoparticles?

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Christoph Westerhausen, Lukas G. Schnitzler, Dominik Wendel, Rafa? Krzysztoń, Ulrich L?chelt, Ernst Wagner, Joachim O. R?dler und Achim Wixforth
Controllable acoustic mixing of fluids in microchannels for the fabrication of therapeutic nanoparticles

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Anna Martina J?tten, Patrick W. Kudella, Dominik Breyer, Florian G. Strobl, Thomas M. Geislinger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Exploring the limits of cell adhesion under shear stress within physiological conditions and beyond on a chip

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Holger Kirchhain, Julian Holzinger, Adrian Mainka, Andreas Sp?rhase, Sabarinathan Venkatachalam, Achim Wixforth und Leo van Wüllen
High-temperature MAS-NMR at high spinning speeds

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Manuel S. Brugger, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Manipulation of cell proliferation and migration employing surface acoustic waves and hydrophobic/hydrophilic structured substrates [Abstract]

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Christian Gorzelanny, Ralf Kmeth, Andreas Obermeier, Alexander T. Bauer, Natalia Halter, Katharina Kümpel, Matthias F. Schneider, Achim Wixforth, Hans Gollwitzer, Rainer Burgkart, Bernd Stritzker und Stefan W. Schneider
Silver nanoparticle-enriched diamond-like carbon implant modification as a mammalian cell compatible surface with antimicrobial properties

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Matthias Wei?, Stephan Kapfinger, Thorsten Reichert, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth, Michael Kaniber und Hubert J. Krenner
Surface acoustic wave regulated single photon emission from a coupled quantum dot–nanocavity system

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J?rg B. Kinzel, Florian J. R. Schülein, Matthias Wei?, Lisa Janker, Dominik D. Bühler, Michael Heigl, Daniel Rudolph, Stefanie Mork?tter, Markus D?blinger, Max Bichler, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth, Gregor Koblmüller und Hubert J. Krenner
The native material limit of electron and hole mobilities in semiconductor nanowires

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Melanie E. M. Stamp, Anna Martina J?tten, Dominik Breyer, Mario Djukelic, Florian G. Strobl, Patrick W. Kudella, A. Hartmann, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
A novel tool for in vitro correlation of cell adhesion behavior and local shear flow [Abstract]

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Florian G. Strobl, Dominik Breyer, Phillip Link, Adriano A. Torrano, Christoph Br?uchle, Matthias F. Schneider und Achim Wixforth
A surface acoustic wave-driven micropump for particle uptake investigation under physiological flow conditions in very small volumes

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Manuel S. Brugger, M. M. Stamp, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Westerhausen
Acoustotaxis - manipulation of cell proliferation and migration using surface acoustic waves [Abstract]

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Stephan Kapfinger, Thorsten Reichert, Stefan Lichtmannecker, Kai Müller, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth, Michael Kaniber und Hubert J. Krenner
Dynamic acousto-optic control of a strongly coupled photonic molecule

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Florian J. R. Schülein, Eugenio Zallo, Paola Atkinson, Oliver G. Schmidt, Rinaldo Trotta, Armando Rastelli, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Fourier synthesis of radiofrequency nanomechanical pulses with different shapes

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Thomas M. Geislinger, Melanie E. M. Stamp, Achim Wixforth und Thomas Franke
Hydrodynamic and label-free sorting of circulating tumor cells from whole blood

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Jens Pustiowski, Kai Müller, Max Bichler, Gregor Koblmüller, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Independent dynamic acousto-mechanical and electrostatic control of individual quantum dots in a LiNbO3-GaAs hybrid

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Stefan Burger, Thomas Franke, Thomas Fraunholz, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Malte A. Peter und Achim Wixforth
Numerical simulation of surface acoustic wave actuated separation of rigid enantiomers by the fictitious domain Lagrange multiplier method

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Edwin Preciado, Florian J. R. Schülein, Ariana E. Nguyen, D. Barroso, M. Isarraraz, Gretel von Son, I.-Hsi Lu, Wladislaw Michailow, Benjamin M?ller, V. Klee, John Mann, Achim Wixforth, Ludwig Bartels und Hubert J. Krenner
Scalable fabrication of a hybrid field-effect and acousto-electric device by direct growth of monolayer MoS2/LiNbO3

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Thomas Franke, Thomas Frommelt, Lothar Schmid, Susanne Braunmüller, Tony?Jun Huang und Achim Wixforth
Surface acoustic wave based microfluidics and droplet applications

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Andreas Hartmann, Melanie E. M. Stamp, Ralf Kmeth, Sascha Buchegger, Bernd Stritzker, Belma Saldamli, Rainer Burgkart, Matthias F. Schneider und Achim Wixforth
A novel tool for dynamic cell adhesion studies – the De-Adhesion Number Investigator DANI

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Claudia Ruppert, Frederike F?rster, Artur Zrenner, J?rg B. Kinzel, Achim Wixforth, Hubert J. Krenner und Markus Betz
Active plasmonics with surface acoustic waves: dynamic electro-mechanical control over a surface plasmon polariton launcher

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K. M. Seemann, F. Kronast, Andreas H?rner, S. Valencia, Achim Wixforth, A. V. Chaplik und P. Fischer
Attenuation of surface acoustic waves by spin-wave excitations in Co60Fe20B20

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Tobias Reusch, Florian J. R. Schülein, Jan-David Nicolas, Markus Osterhoff, A. Beerlink, Hubert J. Krenner, M. Müller, Achim Wixforth und Tim Salditt
Collective Lipid Bilayer Dynamics Excited by Surface Acoustic Waves

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Matthias Wei?, J?rg B. Kinzel, Florian J. R. Schülein, Michael Heigl, Daniel Rudolph, Stefanie Mork?tter, Markus D?blinger, Max Bichler, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Gregor Koblmüller, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Dynamic acoustic control of individual optically active quantum dot-like emission centers in heterostructure nanowires

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Florian G. Strobl, Florian Seitz, Christoph Westerhausen, Armin Reller, Adriano A. Torrano, Christoph Br?uchle, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Intake of silica nanoparticles by giant lipid vesicles: influence of particle size and thermodynamic membrane state

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Xiaoyun Ding, Peng Li, Sz-Chin Steven Lin, Zackary?S. Stratton, Nitesh Nama, Feng Guo, Daniel Slotcavage, Xiaole Mao, Jinjie Shi, Francesco Costanzo, Thomas Franke, Achim Wixforth und Tony Jun Huang
Lab-on-a-chip technologies enabled by surface acoustic waves

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Thomas M. Geislinger, Sherwin Chan, Kirsten Moll, Achim Wixforth, Mats Wahlgren und Thomas Franke
Label-free microfluidic enrichment of ring-stage Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells using non-inertial hydrodynamic lift

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Lothar Schmid und Achim Wixforth
Optimal control of surface acoustic wave actuated sorting of biological cells

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Claudia Ruppert, Frederike F?rster, Artur Zrenner, J?rg B. Kinzel, Achim Wixforth, Hubert J. Krenner und Markus Betz
Radio Frequency Electromechanical Control over a Surface Plasmon Polariton Coupler

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Matthias Wei?, Florian J. R. Schülein, J?rg B. Kinzel, Michael Heigl, Daniel Rudolph, Max Bichler, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth, Gregor Koblmüller und Hubert J. Krenner
Radio frequency occupancy state control of a single nanowire quantum dot

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Jan-David Nicolas, Tobias Reusch, Markus Osterhoff, Michael Sprung, Florian J. R. Schülein, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth und Tim Salditt
Time-resolved coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of surface acoustic waves

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Sabine Wollmann, Raj B. Patel, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Ultrasonically assisted deposition of colloidal crystals

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Florian J. R. Schülein, Kai Müller, Max Bichler, Gregor Koblmüller, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Acoustically regulated carrier injection into a single optically active quantum dot

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Stephan Kapfinger, Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth, Susanna M. Thon, Hyochul Kim, Dirk Bouwmeester und Pierre M. Petroff
Acousto-mechanical tuning of photonic crystal nanocavity modes

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Jiman Yoon, Markus Mayer, Thomas Ebner, Karl Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Advanced 2D periodic array and full transversal mode suppression

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Mohammad A. Fallah, V. Huck, V. Niemeyer, A. Desch, Jennifer I. Angerer, T. A. J. McKinnon, Achim Wixforth, S. W. Schneider und Matthias F. Schneider
Circulating but not immobilized N-deglycosylated von Willebrand factor increases platelet adhesion under flow conditions

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Stefan Burger, Thomas Fraunholz, Christian T. Leirer, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Achim Wixforth, Malte A. Peter und Thomas Franke
Comparative study of the dynamics of lipid membrane phase decomposition in experiment and simulation

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Markus Egid Regler, Hubert J. Krenner, A. A. Green, M. C. Hersam, Achim Wixforth und A. Hartschuh
Controlling exciton decay dynamics in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes by surface acoustic waves

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J. Kündel, P. Pontiller, C. Müller, Günter Obermeier, Z. Liu, A. A. Nateprov, Andreas H?rner, Achim Wixforth, Siegfried R. Horn und Reinhard Tidecks
Direct observation of the lattice precursor of the metal-to-insulator transition in V2O3 thin films by surface acoustic waves

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Hsieh Chen, Jennifer I. Angerer, Marina Napoleone, Armin J. Reininger, Stefan W. Schneider, Achim Wixforth, Matthias F. Schneider und Alfredo Alexander-Katz
Hematocrit and flow rate regulate the adhesion of platelets to von Willebrand factor

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Christian Huck, H. P. Zidek, Thomas Ebner, Karl C. Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Liquid crystal and infrared thermography on coated SAW devices

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Jiman Yoon, Markus Mayer, Thomas Ebner, Karl C. Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Mode profile shaping with 2D periodic array of metallic patches on electrodes in SAW resonators

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Johannes Zimmer, Simon A. Haug, Achim Wixforth, Helmut Karl und Hubert J. Krenner
Nanothermochromic diffraction gratings with giant switching contrast based on the metal-insulator transition of vanadium dioxide

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Lothar Schmid und Achim Wixforth
Optimal Control of Surface Acoustic Wave Actuated Sorting of Biological Cells

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Tobias Reusch, Florian J. R. Schülein, C. B?mer, Markus Osterhoff, A. Beerlink, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth und Tim Salditt
Standing surface acoustic waves in LiNbO3 studied by time resolved X-ray diffraction at Petra III

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Jochen Oelke, Thomas Kaindl, Andreea Pasc, Zeno von Guttenberg, Achim Wixforth und Motomu Tanaka
Supported membranes meet flat fluidics: monitoring dynamic cell adhesion on pump-free microfluidics chips functionalized with supported membranes displaying mannose domains

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Stefan Thalhammer und Achim Wixforth
Surface acoustic wave actuated lab-on-chip system for single cell analysis

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Hubert J. Krenner, D. A. Fuhrmann, S. V?lk, F. J. R. Schülein, F. Knall, J. Ebbecke und Achim Wixforth
Surface acoustic wave hybrid devices: high sensitivity conductivity probes and low-jitter single photon sources

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J?rg B. Kinzel, Florian J. R. Schülein, Matthias Wei?, Daniel Rudolph, Gregor Koblmüller, Jonathan J. Finley, Gerhard Abstreiter, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Surface acoustic wave-driven carrier dynamics as a contact-less probe for mobilities of photogenerated carriers in undoped nanowires

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C. Huck, H. P. Zidek, T. Ebner, K. C. Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Thermal characterization of surface acoustic wave devices

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Stephan Kapfinger, Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Susanna M. Thon, Hyochul Kim, Dirk Bouwmeester, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Time domain investigation of radio frequency acousto-mechanical tuning of photonic crystal nanocavity modes

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C. Karl, J. Ebbecke, R. Zeisel und Achim Wixforth
Unravelling concurring degradation mechanisms in InGaAlP light-emitting diode structures by optical overstress experiments under reverse bias

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Christoph Westerhausen, Florian G. Strobl, Rudolf Herrmann, A. T. Bauer, S. W. Schneider, Armin Reller, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Chemical and mechanical impact of silica nanoparticles on the phase transition behavior of phospholipid membranes in theory and experiment

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Stefan Burger, Thomas Fraunholz, Christian T. Leirer, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Achim Wixforth, Malte A. Peter und Thomas Franke
Comparative Study of the Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Phase Decomposition in Experiment and Simulation

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Josef Griesbauer, S. Boessinger, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Evidence for the propagation of 2D pressure pulses in lipid monolayers near the phase transition

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Johannes Zimmer, Achim Wixforth, Helmut Karl und Hubert J. Krenner
Ion beam synthesis of nanothermochromic diffraction gratings with giant switching contrast at telecom wavelengths

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Erratum: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4766169

C. Huck, H. P. Zidek, T. Ebner, K. C. Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Liquid crystal thermography on coated SAW devices

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H. Antil, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Multiscale and multiphysics aspects in modeling and simulation of surface acoustic wave driven microfluidic biochips

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Lothar Schmid, Achim Wixforth, David A. Weitz und Thomas Franke
Novel surface acoustic wave (SAW)-driven closed PDMS flow chamber

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Josef Griesbauer, S. B?ssinger, Achim Wixforth und M. F. Schneider
Propagation of 2D pressure pulses in lipid monolayers and its possible implications for biology

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Harbir Antil, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Reduced order modeling based shape optimization of surface acoustic wave driven microfluidic biochips

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Josef Griesbauer, S. B?ssinger, Achim Wixforth und M. F. Schneider
Simultaneously propagating voltage and pressure pulses in lipid monolayers of pork brain and synthetic lipids

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Florian J. R. Schülein, Jens Pustiowski, Kai Müller, Max Bichler, Gregor Koblmüller, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Surface acoustic wave controlled charge dynamics in a thin InGaAs quantum well

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Stefan V?lk, Florian Knall, Florian J. R. Schülein, Tuan A. Truong, Hyochul Kim, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Surface acoustic wave mediated carrier injection into individual quantum post nano emitters

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Jiman Yoon, Markus Mayer, Thomas Ebner, Karl Wagner und Achim Wixforth
Two dimensional periodic array of reflection centers on electrodes in SAW resonators

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Thomas Franke, Lothar Schmid, Susanne Braunmueller, Achim Wixforth und David A. Weitz
Acoustic actuation and sorting of droplets and cells at ultrahigh rates in microfluidics

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Martin Hennig, Manuel Wolff, Jürgen Neumann, Achim Wixforth, Matthias F. Schneider und Joachim O. R?dler
DNA concentration modulation on supported lipid bilayers switched by surface acoustic waves

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Stefan V?lk, Florian Knall, Florian J. R. Schülein, Tuan A. Truong, Hyochul Kim, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Direct observation of dynamic surface acoustic wave controlled carrier injection into single quantum posts using phase-resolved optical spectroscopy

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J?rg B. Kinzel, Daniel Rudolph, Max Bichler, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Gregor Koblmu?ller, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Directional and Dynamic Modulation of the Optical Emission of an Individual GaAs Nanowire Using Surface Acoustic Waves

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Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Susanna M. Thon, Hyochul Kim, Dirk Bouwmeester, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic phonons

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Lothar Schmid, Carina Willbold und Achim Wixforth
Numerical simulation of the motion of red blood cells and vesicles in microfluidic flows

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Projection based model reduction for optimal design of the time-dependent stokes system

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Hubert J. Krenner, Stefan V?lk, Florian J. R. Schülein, Florian Knall, Achim Wixforth, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Hyochul Kim, Tuan A. Truong und Pierre M. Petroff
Surface acoustic wave controlled carrier injection into self-assembled quantum dots and quantum posts

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Mohammad A. Fallah, V. M. Myles, T. Krüger, Kumudesh Sritharan, Achim Wixforth, F. Varnik, S. W. Schneider und Matthias F. Schneider
Acoustic driven flow and lattice Boltzmann simulations to study cell adhesion in biofunctionalized ?-fluidic channels with complex geometry

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Thomas Franke, Achim Wixforth und David A. Weitz
Cell and droplet sorting with surface acoustic waves in microfluidics [Abstract]

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Martin Hennig, Jürgen Neumann, Achim Wixforth, Matthias F. Schneider und Joachim O. R?dler
Driven dynamic patterns of supported lipid bilayers by standing surface acoustic waves [Abstract]

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H. Noguchi, G. Gompper, L. Schmid, Achim Wixforth und T. Franke
Dynamics of fluid vesicles in flow through structured microchannels

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Stefan Vo?lk, Florian J. R. Schu?lein, Florian Knall, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Tuan A. Truong, Hyochul Kim, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Enhanced Sequential Carrier Capture into Individual Quantum Dots and Quantum Posts Controlled by Surface Acoustic Waves

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Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Hyochul Kim, Susanna M. Thon, J. Jambreck, Jens Ebbecke, Dirk Bouwmeester, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
High-frequency tuning of photonic crystal defect cavity modes using surface acoustic waves

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Timm Krüger, Mohammad A. Fallah, Fathollah Varnik, Matthias F. Schneider, Dierk Raabe und Achim Wixforth
Inertia effects and stress accumulation in a constricted duct: a combined experimental and lattice Boltzmann study

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Josef Griesbauer, Achim Wixforth, Heiko Seeger und Matthias F. Schneider
Method for the Monte Carlo based simulation of lipid-monolayers including lipid movement

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Harbir Antil, Roland Glowinski, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Tsorng-Whay Pan und Achim Wixforth
Modeling, simulation, and optimization of surface acoustic wave driven microfluidic biochips

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Harbir Antil, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Multiscale and Multiphysics Aspects in Modeling and Simulation of Surface Acoustic Wave Driven Microfluidic Biochips

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Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth, A. Curran, K. A. Prior, R. J. Warburton und Jens Ebbecke
Noninvasive probing of persistent conductivity in high quality ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum wells using surface acoustic waves

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Lothar Schmid, Carina Willbold und Achim Wixforth
Numerical Simulation of the Motion and Deformation of Red Blood Cells and Vesicles in Microfluidic Flows

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Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Projection Based Model Reduction for Optimal Design of the Time-Dependent Stokes System

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Stefan V?lk, Florian J. R. Schülein, Florian Knall, Achim Wixforth, Hubert J. Krenner, Arne Laucht, Jonathan J. Finley, Juha Riikonen, Marco Mattila, Markku Sopanen, Harri Lipsanen, Jun He, Tuan A. Truong, Hyochul Kim und Pierre M. Petroff
Recent progress towards acoustically mediated carrier injection into individual nanostructures for single photon generation

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Thomas Kaindl, Jochen Oelke, A. Pasc, S. Kaufmann, O. V. Konovalov, S. S. Funari, U. Engel, Achim Wixforth und M. Tanaka
Regulation of adhesion behavior of murine macrophage using supported lipid membranes displaying tunable mannose domains

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T. Franke, Susanne Braunmüller, L. Schmid, Achim Wixforth und D. A. Weitz
Surface acoustic wave actuated cell sorting (SAWACS)

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Claudia Ruppert, Jürgen Neumann, J?rg B. Kinzel, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth und Markus Betz
Surface acoustic wave mediated coupling of free-space radiation into surface plasmon polaritons on plain metal films

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Daniel Steppich, Josef Griesbauer, Thomas Frommelt, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Achim Wixforth und M. F. Schneider
Thermomechanic-electrical coupling in phospholipid monolayers near the critical point

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J. Neumann, M. Hennig, Achim Wixforth, Stephan Manus, J. O. R?dler und Matthias F. Schneider
Transport, separation, and accumulation of proteins on supported lipid bilayers

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Achim Wixforth
Acoustically driven microfluidic applications for on-chip laboratories

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Florian J. R. Schülein, Arne Laucht, Juha Riikonen, Marco Mattila, Markku Sopanen, Harri Lipsanen, Jonathan J. Finley, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Cascaded exciton emission of an individual strain-induced quantum dot

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J.-M. Kehrle, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, Roman Morari, A. A. Prepelitsa, C. Müller, Achim Wixforth, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Anatoli S. Sidorenko
Change of the effective dimensionality of an Nb/CuNi bilayer in an external magnetic field

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S. V?lk, Achim Wixforth, Daniel Reuter, A. D. Wieck und J. Ebbecke
Conversion of bound excitons to free excitons by surface acoustic waves

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Frauke Gaedcke, M. Hubbert, H. Kurth, F. Lang, S. Saar, B. Steinhoff, M. Tawab, H. Vratzia und Achim Wixforth
Determination of the conversion factor for silymarin - a solution for the problems associated with new assay methods in the pharmacopoeia

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Martin Hennig, Jürgen Neumann, Achim Wixforth, Joachim O. R?dler und Matthias F. Schneider
Dynamic patterns in a supported lipid bilayer driven by standing surface acoustic waves

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Stefan Thalhammer, Matthias F. Schneider und Achim Wixforth
Integrated lab-on-a-chip system in life sciences

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Achim Wixforth

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Thomas Franke, Lothar Schmid, David A. Weitz und Achim Wixforth
Magneto-mechanical mixing and manipulation of picoliter volumes in vesicles

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Harbir Antil, Roland Glowinski, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Tsorng-Whay Pan und Achim Wixforth
Modeling, simulation, and optimization of surface acoustic wave driven microfluidic biochips

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Thomas Franke, Christian Leirer, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Phase transition induced adhesion of giant unilamellar vesicles

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B. Wunderlich, Christian T. Leirer, Anna-Lena Idzko, U. F. Keyser, Achim Wixforth, V. M. Myles, T. Heimburg und Matthias F. Schneider
Phase-state dependent current fluctuations in pure lipid membranes

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Thomas Franke, Christian T. Leirer, Achim Wixforth, Nily Dan und Matthias F. Schneider
Phase-transition- and dissipation-driven budding in lipid vesicles

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K. Watje, Hubert J. Krenner, Achim Wixforth und W. Assmann
Piezoelectric ZnO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering for microfluidic applications

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Harbir Antil, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann und Achim Wixforth
Reduced order modeling based shape optimization of surface acoustic wave driven microfluidic biochips

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Thomas Franke, Susanne Braunmüller, Thomas Frommelt und Achim Wixforth
Sorting of solid and soft objects in vortices driven by surface acoustic waves

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Thomas Franke, Adam R. Abate, David A. Weitz und Achim Wixforth
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) directed droplet flow in microfluidics for PDMS devices

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D. A. Fuhrmann, Achim Wixforth, A. Curran, J. K. Morrod, K. A. Prior, R. J. Warburton und J. Ebbecke
Surface acoustic wave mediated exciton dissociation in a ZnCdSe/LiNbO3 hybrid

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C. T. Leirer, B. Wunderlich, Achim Wixforth und M. F. Schneider
Thermodynamic relaxation drives expulsion in giant unilamellar vesicles

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Josef Griesbauer, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Wave propagation in lipid monolayers

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J. Ebbecke, S. Maisch, Achim Wixforth, R. Calarco, R. Meijers, M. Marso und H. Lüth
Acoustic charge transport in GaN nanowires

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Matthias F. Schneider, Zeno Guttenberg, Stefan W. Schneider, Kumudesh Sritharan, Vanessa M. Myles, Umut Pamukci und Achim Wixforth
An acoustically driven microliter Flow Chamber on a Chip (μFCC) for cell–cell and cell–surface interaction studies

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C. Müller, A. A. Nateprov, Matthias Klemm, Achim Wixforth, Reinhard Tidecks und Siegfried R. Horn
Early stages of the metal-to-insulator transition of a thin V2O3 film

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Thomas Frommelt, D. Gogel, Marcin Kostur, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Achim Wixforth
Flow patterns and transport in Rayleigh surface acoustic wave streaming: combined finite element method and raytracing numerics versus experiments

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Jochen Oelke, Andreea Pasc, Achim Wixforth, Oleg Konovalov und Motomu Tanaka
Highly uniform, strongly correlated fluorinated lipid nanodomains embedded in biological membrane models

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Th. Koch, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, A. Surdu, E. Condrea, A. Socrovisciuc, A. N. Rossolenko, V. V. Ryazanov, B. Straumal, Reinhard Tidecks, Achim Wixforth und Anatoli S. Sidorenko
Influence of strong disorder on superconductivity of MgB2 thin films

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Thomas Frommelt, Marcin Kostur, Melanie Wenzel-Sch?fer, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Achim Wixforth
Microfluidic mixing via acoustically driven chaotic advection

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Thomas A. Franke und Achim Wixforth
Microfluidics for miniaturized laboratories on a chip

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Harbir Antil, Andreas Gantner, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Daniel K?ster, Kunibert Siebert und Achim Wixforth
Modeling and simulation of piezoelectrically agitated acoustic streaming on microfluidic biochips

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Daniel Steppich, S. Thalhammer, Achim Wixforth und M. F. Schneider
Nanomechanics and microfluidics as a tool for unraveling blood clotting disease

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Achim Wixforth
Nanoquakes are shaking up NEMS

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Kerstin W?tje, Jens Ebbecke, G?tz Thorwarth, Mark van de Ven und Achim Wixforth
Plasma deposition of piezoelectric ZnO layers by rf sputtering, SolGel and pulsed laser deposition

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Daniela Woide, Veronika Schlentner, Teresa Neumaier, Thorsten Wachtmeister, Hedwig G. Paretzke, Zeno von Guttenberg, Achim Wixforth und Stefan Thalhammer
Programmable cytogenetic submicrolitre lab-on-a-chip for molecular diagnostic applications

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Daniel Steppich, J. I. Angerer, K. Sritharan, S. W. Schneider, S. Thalhammer, Achim Wixforth, A. Alexander-Katz und M. F. Schneider
Relaxation of ultralarge VWF bundles in a microfluidic–AFM hybrid reactor

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Corrigendum: Volume 441, Issue 1, 8 November 2013, Page 272, DOI 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.10.062

D. K?lbl, J. Ebbecke, A. Heinrich und Achim Wixforth
Self-aligned growth of carbon nanosticks

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Florian W. Beil, Achim Wixforth, Werner Wegscheider, Dieter Schuh, Max Bichler und Robert H. Blick
Shock waves in nanomechanical resonators

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Robert H. Blick, Florian W. Beil, Achim Wixforth, Werner Wegscheider, Dieter Schuh und Max Bichler
Shock waves in nanomechanical resonators [Abstract]

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Florian W. Beil, Nakul Shaji, Felix Schoefer, Achim Wixforth, Werner Wegscheider, Dieter Schuh, Max Bichler und Robert H. Blick
Shock waves in suspended low-dimensional electron gases

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Franz J. Kaiser, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi, Marcin Malecha, Jens Ebbecke, Achim Wixforth, H. W. Schumacher, B. K?stner, Daniel Reuter und Andreas D. Wieck
Theoretical and experimental investigations of Coulomb blockade in coupled quantum dot systems

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Thomas Franke und Achim Wixforth
Das Labor auf dem Chip: Mikrofluidik

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Florian W. Beil, Robert H. Blick, Achim Wixforth, Werner Wegscheider, Dieter Schuh und Max Bichler
Detection of coherent acoustic oscillations in a quantum electromechanical resonator

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K. M. Seemann, J. Ebbecke, Andreas L. H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Intra- and intertube tunneling transport in ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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Harbir Antil, Andreas Gantner, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Daniel K?ster, Kunibert G. Siebert und Achim Wixforth
Modeling and simulation of piezoelectrically agitated acoustic streaming on microfluidic biochips

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C. Würstle, Jens Ebbecke, Markus Egid Regler und Achim Wixforth
Quantized current in carbon nanotube quantum dots by surface acoustic waves

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S. W. Schneider, Stefan Nuschele, Achim Wixforth, C. Gorzelanny, A. Alexander-Katz, R. R. Netz und Matthias F. Schneider
Shear-induced unfolding triggers adhesion of von Willebrand factor fibers

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C. Müller, A. A. Nateprov, Günter Obermeier, Matthias Klemm, Vladimir Tsurkan, Achim Wixforth, Reinhard Tidecks und Siegfried R. Horn
Surface acoustic wave devices

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K. Sritharan, C. J. Strobl, M. F. Schneider, Achim Wixforth und Z. Guttenberg
Acoustic mixing at low Reynold's numbers

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Achim Wixforth
Acoustically driven programmable microfluidics for biological and chemical applications

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Klaus M. Seemann, Jens Ebbecke und Achim Wixforth
Alignment of carbon nanotubes on pre-structured silicon by surface acoustic waves

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C. B?defeld, Jens Ebbecke, J. Toivonen, Markku Sopanen, Harri Lipsanen und Achim Wixforth
Experimental investigation towards a periodically pumped single-photon source

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Achim Wixforth, Ch. Strobl, Ch. Gauer, A. Toegl, Jurgen Scriba und Zeno Guttenberg
Flat fluidics: programmable on-chip networks for biological and chemical applications

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Andreas Gantner, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Daniel K?ster, Kunibert Siebert und Achim Wixforth
Numerical simulation of piezoelectrically agitated surface acoustic waves on microfluidic biochips

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F. W. Beil, R. H. Blick, Achim Wixforth, W. Wegscheider, D. Schuh und M. Bichler
Observation of single-defect relaxation in a freely suspended nano resonator

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Andreas Heinrich, Andreas L. H?rner, Achim Wixforth und Bernd Stritzker
Pulsed laser deposition of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films on LiNbO3 and surface acoustic wave studies

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A. Alexander-Katz, M. F. Schneider, S. W. Schneider, Achim Wixforth und R. R. Netz
Shear-flow-induced unfolding of polymeric globules

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V. T. Dolgopolov, E. V. Deviatov, V. S. Khrapai, Daniel Reuter, A. D. Wieck, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Spin ordering: two different scenarios for the single and double layer structures in the fractional and integer quantum Hall effect regimes

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C. Müller, V. Zestrea, Vladimir Tsurkan, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Achim Wixforth
Spin-lattice coupling in the ferrimagnetic semiconductor FeCr2S4 probed by surface acoustic waves

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A. Müller, A. Darga und Achim Wixforth
Surface acoustic wave studies for chemical and biological sensors

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S. W. Dean, Andreas W. Rathgeber, M. Wassermeier und Achim Wixforth
Acoustic 'distributed source' mixing of smallest fluid volumes

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Achim Wixforth
Controlled Agitation During Hybridization: Surface Acoustic Waves Are Shaking Up Microarray Technology

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Achim Wixforth
Flat fluidics: acoustically driven planar microfluidic devices for biological and chemical applications

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Achim Wixforth
Flat fluidics: programmable on-chip networks for biological and chemical applications

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Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show

Andreas Gantner, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Daniel K?ster, Kunibert G. Siebert und Achim Wixforth
Numerical Simulation of Piezoelectrically Agitated Surface Acoustic Waves on Microfluidic Biochips

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Zeno von Guttenberg, Helena Müller, Heiko Habermüller, Andreas Geisbauer, Jürgen Pipper, Jana Felbel, Mark Kielpinski, Jürgen Scriba und Achim Wixforth
Planar chip device for PCR and hybridization with surface acoustic wave pump

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Claus Müller, Alexei Nateprov, Günter Obermeier, Matthias Klemm, Reinhard Tidecks, Achim Wixforth und Siegfried R. Horn
Surface acoustic wave investigations of the metal-to-insulator transition of V2O3 thin films on lithium niobate

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Tobias Smorodin, Udo Beierlein, Jens Ebbecke und Achim Wixforth
Surface-acoustic-wave-enhanced alignment of thiolated carbon nanotubes on gold electrodes

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, V. V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, Stefan Klimm, Reinhard Tidecks, Achim Wixforth, Th. Koch und Th. Schimmel
Thermally assisted flux flow in MgB2: strong magnetic field dependence of the activation energy

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E. V. Deviatov, V. T. Dolgopolov, A. Würtz, A. Lorke, Achim Wixforth, Werner Wegscheider, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Topological defects in the edge-state structure in a bilayer electron system

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Achim Wixforth, Christoph J. Strobl, Christoph Gauer, A. Toegl, Jürgen Scriba und Zeno von Guttenberg
Acoustic manipulation of small droplets

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F. W. Beill, R. H. Blick und Achim Wixforth
Acoustically driven NEMS resonators

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Jens Ebbecke, Christoph J. Strobl und Achim Wixforth
Acoustoelectric current transport through single-walled carbon nanotubes

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Julia Krau?, J?rg P. Kotthaus, Achim Wixforth, M. Hanson, D. C. Driscoll, A. C. Gossard, Dieter Schuh und Max Bichler
Capture and release of photonic images in a quantum well

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Christoph J. Strobl, C. Sch?flein, U. Beierlein, Jens Ebbecke und Achim Wixforth
Carbon nanotube alignment by surface acoustic waves

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Achim Wixforth
Flat fluidics: programmable on-chip networks for biological and chemical applications [Abstract]

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Zeno von Guttenberg, Andreas W. Rathgeber, S. Keller, Joachim O. R?dler, Achim Wixforth, Marcin Kostur, Michael Schindler und Peter Talkner
Flow profiling of a surface-acoustic-wave nanopump

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E. V. Deviatov, A. Würtz, A. Lorke, M. Yu. Melnikov, V. T. Dolgopolov, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Manifestation of the bulk phase transition in the edge energy spectrum in a two-dimensional bilayer electron system

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Christoph J. Strobl, Zeno von Guttenberg und Achim Wixforth
Nano- and pico-dispensing of fluids on planar substrates using SAW

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F. W. Beil, R. H. Blick und Achim Wixforth
Standing acoustic waves imaged by a nanomechanical resonator

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, V. V. Ryazanov, Matthias Klemm, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks, Claus Müller und Achim Wixforth
Two-dimensional superconducting fluctuations in MgB2 films

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Achim Wixforth
Acoustically driven planar microfluidics

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F. W. Beil, Achim Wixforth und R. H. Blick
Broadband acoustical tuning of nano-electromechanical sensors

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Andreas Toegl, Roland Kirchner, Christoph Gauer und Achim Wixforth
Enhancing results of microarray hybridizations through microagitation

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Achim Wixforth, Christoph Gauer, Jürgen Scriba, Matthias Wassermeier und Roland Kirchner
Flat fluidics: a new route toward programmable biochips

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Achim Wixforth
Nanoquakes shake up biotechnology

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Christoph J. Strobl, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Achim Wixforth, C. Gauer und J. Scriba
Planar microfluidic processors

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A. C. Muller, H.-J. Kutschera und Achim Wixforth
Spatially resolved surface acoustic wave studies for image processing

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Reinhard Bittner, M. Wassermeier und Achim Wixforth
Dynamical investigation of macromolecular hybridization bioassays

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Achim Wixforth, Jürgen Scriba und C. Gauer
Flatland fluidics

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F.W. Beil, Achim Wixforth und R.H. Blick
Investigation of nano-electromechanical-systems using surface acoustic waves

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J. Krauss, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, D. Schuh und M. Bichler
Management of carrier dynamics in lateral-supperlattice photonic storage cells

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Achim Wixforth und Jürgen Scriba
Nanopumpen für das Chiplabor

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J. Krau?, Achim Wixforth, A. V. Kalameitsev, A. O. Govorov, W. Wegscheider und J. P. Kotthaus
Nonlinear charge spreading visualized in voltage-controlled lateral superlattices

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Alexander Kalameitsev, Alexander Govorov und Achim Wixforth
Quantum transparency for intense surface acoustic waves in electron nanostructures: towards quantum acoustics

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M. Rotter, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, W. Ruile, D. Bernklau und H. Riechert
Quasi-monolithic GaAs/LiNbO/sub 3/-hybrids for acoustoelectric applications

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E. V. Deviatov, A. A. Shashkin, V. T. Dolgopolov, H.-J. Kutschera, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Shifting the quantum Hall plateau level in a double layer electron system

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O A Korotchenkov, T Goto, H G Grimmeiss, C Rocke und Achim Wixforth
Acoustically driven emission of light in granular and layered semiconductors: recent advances and future prospects

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Achim Wixforth, M. Rotter, C. Rocke, H.-J. Kutschera, A. V. Kalameitsev und A. O. Gorvorov
Acoustoelectric and acoustooptic interactions in quantum wells: the role of nonlinearity

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J. Krau?, A. V. Kalameitsev, A. O. Govorov, Werner Wegscheider, Achim Wixforth und J?rg P. Kotthaus
Dynamics of charge spreading in an undoped GaAs-quantum well structure

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A. O. Govorov, A. V. Kalameitsev, V. M. Kovalev, H.-J. Kutschera, M. Streibl, M. Rotter und Achim Wixforth
Electron wires driven by a surface acoustic wave and nonlinear acoustoelectric interactions in quantum wells

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A.O. Govorov, A.V. Kalameitsev, V.M. Kovalev, H.-J. Kutschera, M. Streibl, M. Rotter und Achim Wixforth
Electron wires driven by surface acoustic waves and non-linear interactions in quantum wells

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C. Bodefeld, F. Beil, H.-J. Kutschera, M. Streibl und Achim Wixforth
Imaging of surface acoustic waves

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Alexander O. Govorov, Achim Wixforth und Alexander V. Kalameitsev
Intense surface acoustic waves in electron plasma of a quantum well: classical and quantum effects in the nonlinear sound attenuation

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H.-J. Kutschera, Achim Wixforth, A. V. Kalameitsev und A. O. Govorov
Nonlinear acoustoelectric and acoustooptic effects in semiconductor layered systems

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, C. Strobl, H.-J. Kutschera und Achim Wixforth
Planar microfluidics - liquid handling without walls

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C. B?defeld, Achim Wixforth, J. Toivonen, M. Sopanen und H. Lipsanen
Pumping of quantum dots with surface acoustic waves

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A. O. Govorov, A. V. Kalameitsev, V. M. Kovalev, H.-J. Kutschera und Achim Wixforth
Self-induced acoustic transparency in semiconductor quantum films

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J. Krauss, A.O. Gorvorov, C. Kadow, Achim Wixforth und J.P. Kotthaus
Storage of photonic signals in voltage controlled potential superlattices

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Robert Blick, Artur Erbe, Armin Tilke und Achim Wixforth
Auf dem Weg zur ?Quanten-Mechanik”?: nanomechanische Resonatoren dienen als schnelle Schalter und Frequenzgeber

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V. S. Khrapai, E. V. Deviatov, A. A. Shashkin, V. T. Dolgopolov, F. Hastreiter, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Canted antiferromagnetic phase in a double quantum well in a tilted quantizing magnetic field

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Petra Denk, Martin Hartung, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campmann und A. C. Gossard
Depolarization shift in coupled quantum wells with tunable level spectrum

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A. V. Kalameitsev, A. O. Govorov, H.-J. Kutschera und Achim Wixforth
Enhancement of the nonlinear acoustoelectric interaction in a photoexcited plasma in a quantum well

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M. Streibl, Achim Wixforth, J.P. Kotthaus, C. Kadow und A.C. Gossard
Imaging of carrier dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures by surface acoustic waves

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Achim Wixforth
Interaction of surface acoustic waves, electrons, and light

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Christoph B?defeld, H.-J. Kutschera, M. Rotter, C. Rocke, J. Krauss, Achim Wixforth, J. Toivonen, M. Sopanen und H. Lipson
Nanoquakes on a chip: surface acoustic waves in semiconductor physics

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M. Rotter, W. Ruile und Achim Wixforth
Non-reciprocal SAW devices for RF applications

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A. O. Govorov, A. V. Kalameitsev, M. Rotter, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, K.-H. Hoffmann und N. Botkin
Nonlinear acoustoelectric transport in a two-dimensional electron system

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M. Rotter, W. Ruile, G. Scholl und Achim Wixforth
Novel concepts for GaAs/LiNbO/sub 3/ layered systems and their device applications

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M. Streibl, H.-J. Kutschera, W. Sauer und Achim Wixforth
Numerical and experimental analysis of complex surface acoustic wave fields

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E. V. Deviatov, V. S. Khrapai, A. A. Shashkin, V. T. Dolgopolov, F. Hastreiter, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Opening an energy gap in an electron double layer system at the integer filling factor in a tilted magnetic field

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S. Zimmermann, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, W. Wegscheider und M. Bichler
A semiconductor-based photonic memory cell

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A.O. Govorov, M. Rotter, M. Streibl, C. Rocke, A.V. Kalameitsev, Achim Wixforth und J.P. Kotthaus
Acousto-electric transport through a two-dimensional system in the nonlinear regime

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M. Rotter, A. V. Kalameitsev, A. O. Govorov, W. Ruile und Achim Wixforth
Charge conveyance and nonlinear acoustoelectric phenomena for intense surface acoustic waves on a semiconductor quantum well

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V. T. Dolgopolov, A. A. Shashkin, E. V. Deviatov, F. Hastreiter, M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Electron subbands in a double quantum well in a quantizing magnetic field

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A. Tilke, C. Rocke und Achim Wixforth
Frequency- and spin-dependent absorption of surface-acoustic-waves by a 2D electron gas in the quantum Hall regime

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M. Streibl, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, A. O. Govorov, C. Kadow und A. C. Gossard
Imaging of acoustic charge transport in semiconductor heterostructures by surface acoustic waves

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W. Sauer, M. Streibl, T. H. Metzger, A. G. C. Haubrich, S. Manus, Achim Wixforth, J. Peisl, A. Mazuelas, J. Haertwig und J. Baruchel
Imaging surface acoustic waves on GaAs by X-ray diffraction techniques

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M. Rotter, Achim Wixforth, A. O. Govorov, W. Ruile, D. Bernklau und H. Riechert
Nonlinear acoustoelectric interactions in GaAs/LiNbO3 structures

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J.P. Kotthaus, A.O. Gorvorov, C. Rocke, Achim Wixforth und S. Zimmermann
Optics of carriers trapped in lateral superlattices

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M. Streibl, F. Beil, Achim Wixforth, C. Kadow und A. C. Gossard
SAW tomography-spatially resolved charge detection by SAW in semiconductor structures for imaging applications

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Achim Wixforth, C. Rocke, S. Zimmermann und J.P. Kotthaus
Storage of photonic signals in semiconductor heterostructures

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Achim Wixforth
Surfen im Nanokosmos

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M. Rotter, W. Ruile, Achim Wixforth und J?rg P. Kotthaus
Voltage controlled SAW velocity in GaAs/LiNbO/sub 3/-hybrids

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W. Sauer, M. Streibl, T. H. Metzger, A. G. C. Haubrich, S. Manus, Achim Wixforth, J. Peisl, A. Mazuelas, J. H?rtwig und J. Baruchel
X-ray imaging and diffraction from surface phonons on GaAs

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Achim Wixforth, J. Scriba, A. Simon, C.R. Bolognesi, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Density dependence of the spin-splitting of the cyclotron resonance in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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C. Rocke, A. O. Govorov, Achim Wixforth, G. B?hm und G. Weimann
Exciton ionization in a quantum well studied by surface acoustic waves

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M. Rotter, Achim Wixforth, W. Ruile, D. Bernklau und H. Riechert
Giant acoustoelectric effect in GaAs/LiNbO3 hybrids

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Petra Denk, Martin Hartung, Martin Streibl, Achim Wixforth, Kenneth L. Campman und Arthur C. Gossard
Magnetic-field-induced charge localization in a high-mobility semiconductor superlattice

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V. T. Dolgopolov, G. E. Tsydynzhapov, A. A. Shashkin, E. V. Deviatov, F. Hastreiter, M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, K. L. Campman und A. C. Gossard
Magnetic-field-induced hybridization of electron subbands in a coupled double quantum well

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Achim Wixforth
Nano-Beben auf dem Chip: akustische Oberfl?chenwellen als Photonen-F?rderband

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Achim Wixforth
Nanoquakes at work: a quantum conveyor belt for photons

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M. Streibl, C. Rocke, A.O. Govorov und Achim Wixforth
Novel optoelectronic signal processing via the combination of SAW and semiconductor heterostructures

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M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, M. Thomas, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Photoconductive spectroscopy of InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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Christian Wiele, Fritz Haake, Carsten Rocke und Achim Wixforth
Photon trains and lasing: the periodically pumped quantum dot

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M. Rotter, W. Ruile, D. Bernklau, H. Riechert und Achim Wixforth
Significantly enhanced SAW transmission in voltage tunable GaAs/LiNbO/sub 3/ hybrid devices

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S. Zimmermann, G. Schedelbeck, A. O. Govorov, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider und G. Abstreiter
Spatially resolved exciton trapping in a voltage-controlled lateral superlattice

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W. Zawadzki, M. Kubisa, Achim Wixforth, C. Gauer, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Spin and depolarization effects in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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Achim Wixforth, C Rocke, S Zimmermann, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G B?hm und G Weimann
Ultrasonic light storage in a quantum well: a photon assembly line

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S. Zimmermann, A. O. Govorov, Achim Wixforth, C. Rocke, W. Hansen, J?rg P. Kotthaus, M. Bichler und W. Wegscheider
Voltage-controlled trapping of excitons and "storage of light" in lateral superlattices

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C. Rocke, A. O. Govorov, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. B?hm und G. Weimann
A photon assembly line on a semiconductor quantum well

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C. Rocke, S. Zimmermann, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. B?hm und G. Weimann
Acoustically driven storage of light in a quantum well

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A. Tilke, C. Rocke und Achim Wixforth
Frequency-dependent acousto-electric interaction in proximity-coupled piezoelectric-semiconductor hybrids

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Achim Wixforth
Nanoquakes at work: a quantum conveyor belt for photons

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L. Wendler, T. Kraft, M. Hartung, A. Berger, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Optical response of grating-coupler-induced intersubband resonances: the role of Wood's anomalies

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Erratum: Phys. Rev. B 69(2004), 159902, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.159902

M. Rotter, C. Rocke, S. B?hm, A. Lorke, Achim Wixforth, W. Ruile und L. Korte
Single-chip fused hybrids for acousto-electric and acousto-optic applications

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C. Rocke, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, H. Boehm und G. Weimann
Acousto-optic effects of surface acoustic waves in semiconductor quantum well structures

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R. J. Warburton, C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Collective effects in the intersubband resonance of InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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R.J Warburton, B Brar, C Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus und H Kroemer
Cyclotron resonance of electron-hole systems in InAs/GaSb/AlSb

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M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Inter-band and inter-subband transition induced photoconductivity in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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M. Streibl, R.J. Warburton, Achim Wixforth, K.L. Campman und A.C. Gossard
Inter-miniband absorption in high mobility semiconductor superlattices

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R. J. Warburton, C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Intersubband resonances in InAs/AlSb quantum wells: selection rules, matrix elements, and the depolarization field

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M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, K.L. Campmann und A.C. Gossard
Intersubband transitions in band gap engineered parabolic potential wells

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C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Spin phenomena in intersubband transitions

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Achim Wixforth, C. Gauer, J?rg P. Kotthaus, B. Brar, H. Kroemer, W. Zawadzki und M. Kubisa
Spin phenomena in quantum well intersubband transitions

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M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, K.L. Campman und A.C. Gossard
The effect of resonant sublevel coupling on intersubband transitions in coupled double quantum wells

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C. Gauer, M. Hartung, Achim Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Zero-field spin-splitting in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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Achim Wixforth, M. Hartung, K.L. Campman und A.C. Gossard
Collective excitations in single- and double parabolic quantum wells

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C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, J.R. Bolognesi, C. Nguyen, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Cyclotron resonance in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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C Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G Abstreiter, G Weimann und W Schlapp
Magnetic-field-induced intersubband resonances in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells

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C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, M. Kubisa, W. Zawadzki, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Magnetic-field-induced spin-conserving and spin-flip intersubband transitions in InAs quantum wells

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Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3374, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.3374.2

M. Hartung, A. Berger, Achim Wixforth, P.F. Hopkins, J.H. English und A.C. Gossard
Quantum interference effects in the collective response of asymmetric coupled quantum wells

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C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, M. Kubisa, W. Zawadzki, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Spin-conserving and spin-flip transitions between hybrid magneto-electric subbands in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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Achim Wixforth, M. Kaloudis, C. Rocke, K. Ensslin, M. Sundaram, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Dynamic response of parabolically confined electron systems

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Achim Wixforth
Electronic excitations in parabolically confined electron systems

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C. Gauer, J. Scriba, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, C. R. Bolognesi, C. Nguyen, B. Brar und H. Kroemer
Energy-dependant cyclotron mass in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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A. Esslinger, R. W. Winkler, C. Rocke, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, H. Nickel, W. Schlapp und R. L?sch
Ultrasonic approach to the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect

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C. Rocke, S. Manus, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Voltage tunable acoustoelectric interaction in GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions

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A. Esslinger, Achim Wixforth, R. W. Winkler, S. Manus, R. W. Winkler, J?rg P. Kotthaus, H. Nickel, W. Schlapp, R. L?sch und G. Weimann
Acoustoelectric investigation of the fractional quantum hall effect

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Achim Wixforth, A. Esslinger und J?rg P. Kotthaus
Acoustoelectric studies of the integer and fractional quantum-hall effect

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M. Kaloudis, Achim Wixforth, M. Sunaram, J.H. English und A.C. Gossard
Collective excitations of a thin Jellium slab

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A. Simon, J. Scriba, C. Gauer, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, C.R. Bolognesi, C. Nguyen, G. Tuttle und H. Kroemer
Intersubband transitions in InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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Ch. Peters, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram und A.C. Gossard
Magneto optics of an electron system with variable dimensionality

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Ch. Gauer, J. Scriba, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, C. Nguyen, G. Tuttle, J. H. English und H. Kroemer
Photoconductivity in AlSb/InAs quantum wells

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K. Ensslin, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, P. F. Hopkins, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Single-particle subband spectroscopy in a parabolic quantum well via transport experiments

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J. Scriba, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, C. Bolognesi, C. Nguyen und H. Kroemer
Spin-and Landau-splitting of the cyclotron resonance in a nonparabolic two-dimensional electron system

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J. Scriba, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, C. R. Bolognesi, C. Nguyen, G. Tuttle, J. H. English und H. Kroemer
The effect of Landau quantization on cyclotron resonance in a non-parabolic quantum wells

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A. Esslinger, Achim Wixforth, R. W. Winkler, J?rg P. Kotthaus, H. Nickel, W. Schlapp und R. L?sch
Acoustoelectric study of localized states in the quantized Hall effect

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Achim Wixforth, Michael Kaloudis, Mani Sundaram und Arthur C. Gossard
Anisotropic band structure of a parabolically confined electron system subjected to an in-plane magnetic field

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K. Ensslin, C. Pistitsch, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, P. F. Hopkins und A. C. Gossard
Direct observation of resonant subband-Landau-level coupling in a transport experiment

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Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, K. Ensslin, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Electron plasma resonances in wide parabolic quantum wells

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J. Scriba, S. Seitz, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. Tuttle, J. H. English und H. Kroemer
Electronic properties and far infrared spectroscopy of InAs/AlSb quantum wells

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M. Kaloudis, K. Ensslin, Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Resonant coupling of collective intra- and intersubband excitations in a parabolically confined electron system

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K. Ensslin, M. Sundaram, Achim Wixforth und A.C. Gossard
Suppression of quantum Hall plateaus and nonlinear Landau level fan diagram in a parabolic quantum well

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M. Sundaram, Achim Wixforth, P. F. Hopkins und A. C. Gossard
Wide electron gas with periodic density modulation

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M. Sundaram, Achim Wixforth, R. S. Geels, A. C. Gossard und J. H. English
A direct method to produce and measure compositional grading in AlxGa1?xAs alloys

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C. Dahl, F. Brinkop, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, J.H. English und M. Sundaram
Dimensional resonances in elliptic electron disks

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Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, K. Ensslin, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Dimensional resonances in wide parabolic quantum wells

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M. Sundaram, K. Ensslin, Achim Wixforth und A. C. Gossard
Magneto-capacitance-voltage measurements of electrons in wide parabolic quantum wells

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K. Ensslin, M. Sundaram, Achim Wixforth, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Suppression and recovery of quantum Hall plateaus in a parabolic quantum well

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V. K. Talyanskii, M. Wassermeier, Achim Wixforth, J. Oshinowo, J?rg P. Kotthaus, I. E. Batov, G. Weimann, H. Nickel und W. Schlapp
Edge magnetoplasmons in the quantum Hall effect regime

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Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, K. Ensslin und A.C. Gossard
Far infrared optically detected cyclotron resonance and interband magneto-luminescence in Ga0.82In0.18As/GaAs single quantum wells

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M. Wassermeier, Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann und W. Schlapp
Field effect-controlled interaction of surface acoustic waves with a two-dimensional electron system

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Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, K. Ensslin, J. H. English und A. C. Gossard
Gate‐controlled subband structure and dimensionality of the electron system in a wide parabolic quantum well

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Achim Wixforth, M. Sundaram, D. Donnelly, J.H. English und A.C. Gossard
Graded potential wells with quasi-uniform charge distribution

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Achim Wixforth
Magneto-acoustic interaction of surface waves with a two-dimensional electron system

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Klaus Ensslin, Achim Wixforth, Mani Sundaram, John H. English und Arthur C. Gossard
Wide graded potential wells: growth, electrical properties and theoretical results

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Achim Wixforth und J?rg P. Kotthaus
Interaction of surface acoustic waves with inversion electrons on GaAs in quantizing magnetic fields

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Achim Wixforth
Interaction of surface acoustic waves with two-dimensional electron systems in GaAs / AlGaAs heterojunctions

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Achim Wixforth
Spectrum of low-frequency edge magnetoplasma waves under conditions of quantum Hall effect

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Achim Wixforth, J. Scriba, M. Wassermeier, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann und W. Schlapp
Surface acoustic waves on GaAs/AlxGa1?xAs heterostructures

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Achim Wixforth, J. Scriba, M. Wassermeier, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann und W. Schlapp
Interaction of surface acoustic waves with a two‐dimensional electron system in a LiNbO3‐GaAs/AlGaAs sandwich structure

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Achim Wixforth, J. Scriba, M. Wassermeier, J?rg P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann und W. Schlapp
Studies of spatial inhomogeneities of the 2D electron density in GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions using surface acoustic waves

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Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus und G. Weimann
Interaction of surface acoustic waves with a two-dimensional electron system

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Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus und G. Weimann
Influence of a two-dimensional electron system on the propagation of surface acoustic waves

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T. Evelbauer, Achim Wixforth und J?rg P. Kotthaus
One-dimensional minigaps in inversion layer subbands on high index surfaces of InSb

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Achim Wixforth, J?rg P. Kotthaus und G. Weimann
Quantum oscillations in the surface-acoustic-wave attenuation caused by a two-dimensional electron system

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