

Chair for Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law

Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers

Further information on the curriculum vitae, publications, lectures and third-party funded projects of Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers.

Prof. Dr. Thomas M. J. M?llers

The Chair Team

Contact information of the secretary`s office, research assistants and student assistants as well as lecturers and honorary professors.

Gruppenbild Lehrstuhl Professor Moellers

Education and Studies

All information regarding the courses and the main research interest of the chair as well as the doctorate.

M?llers Lehre
IMFS Distinguished Lecture
IMFS Distinguished Lecture an der Goethe Universt?t Frankfurt mit Jens Weidmann (Vorsitzender der deutschen Bundesbank), Foto: Goethe University
KK Wp?G 3. Auflage
Foto: privat
Stiftungskonferenz der Stiftung Geld und W?hrung mit der ehemaligen Bundesjustizministerin Christine Lambrecht (im Vordergrund), Foto: Stiftung Geld und W?hrung
Cover Methodenlehre III
Cover Methodenlehre III Privat
Tagung "Europa als Rechtsgemeinschaft, W?hrungsunion und Finanzkrise", 2012 an der Universt?t Augsburg mit Theo Waigel (ehemaliger Bundesfinanzminister) und Franz-Christoph Zeitler (ehemaliger Vizepr?sident der Deutschen Bundesbank), Foto: Universit?t Augsburg
10. Auflage der Juristischen Arbeitstechnik und ihre chinesische ?bersetzung Foto: privat
IMFS Dombrovskis
IMFS Distinguished Lecture an der Goethe Universt?t Frankfurt mit Valdis Dombrovskis (Vize-Pr?sident der EU-Kommission), 2. v. rechts, Foto: IMFS Frankfurt

Science and research news

Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) / 审计报告与《投资人示范诉讼法》——“公开的资本市场信息”概念的具体化


The article "Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG - Zur Konkretisierung des Begriffs der ?ffentlichen Kapitalmarktinformation" (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) published in the Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR 5/2022) was translated into Chinese and has since been published in the Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Sciences Edition): 杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2023 (5), pp. 110-127 .

Journal of Hangzhou

New publication: M?llers, Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG) - legal consequences for EY in the Wirecard scandal


In Volume 19 of the Capital Markets Law Journal (CMLJ) Professor M?llers' article "Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG) - legal consequences for EY in the Wirecard scandal" deals with the accounting fraud and ensuing insolvency of Wirecard which have had an enormous impact. Claims from aggrieved investors are now before the courts. As the listed company is insolvent, many claims have instead been lodged against its auditors, EY. Within this framework, the cases should be joined together where possible. Several Regional Courts have rejected the material scope of application of the Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG), but the Third Chamber of the Regional Court of Munich I (LG) has opened proceedings under the Act. This requires the auditors report on the company's annual financial statements to qualify as “public capital market information” pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Act. Because the issue has not yet been discussed, arguments created by legal reasoning must be used to clarify whether claims for damages against the auditors report can be made the establishment objective of proceedings under the Act.

Cover CMLJ, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2024

MIPLC Graduation Ceremony 2023


On Friday, November 17, the graduates of the 2022/2023 class of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC) received their Master of Laws (LL.M.) as part of the 20th graduation ceremony.
At the same time, the long-standing MIPLC board member, Professor Dr. h.c. Robert F. Brauneis, was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Augsburg. (...)




? ? ? ?Main research interests


  • German and European Capital Markets law
  • German and European Company Law
  • Legal methods
  • Comparative Law
  • European Union Law
  • Competition Law


Institutes and research centres


Professor Thomas M.J. M?llers is in charge of

a number of institutes and research centres in different legal systems.




Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers

Chair for Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law
Faculty of Law



Secretary's office

Phone: +49 (0)821 598-4516

E-Mail: helga.weidenhammer@jura.uni-augsburg.de

Room: 1026 (H)

Office hours: upon consultation




Universit?tsstra?e 24,

86159 Augsburg
