

The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering (ISSE), directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science at the University of Augsburg. It was founded to further invigorate and push?the main research in Augsburg by pooling strengths and competences. In research, the institute supports both fundamental and application-oriented research in all areas of software and systems engineering. In teaching, the institute facilitates the further development of the faculty's and university's relevant course offerings.


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, Institutsleiter


June 28, 2024

Gastvortrag "Wozu gibt es POs?"

Am 04.07.2024 h?lt Dr. Harald St?rrle von QAware ab 16:00 Uhr einen Gastvortrag in der Ringvorlesung des Elitestudiengangs Software Engineering. Der Vortrag findet in Raum 1055N statt und hat den Titel "Wozu gibt es POs?". Zum Vortrag sind alle herzlich eingeladen.
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May 6, 2024

Gastvortrag "Absicherung autonomer Systeme – Erfahrungen am Bespiel eines fahrerlosen Regionalzugs im Projekt safe.trAIn"

Am 16.05.2024 h?lt Marc Zeller von Siemens ab 16:00 Uhr einen Gastvortrag in der Ringvorlesung des Elitestudiengangs Software Engineering. Der Vortrag findet in Raum 1055N statt und hat den Titel "Absicherung autonomer Systeme – Erfahrungen am Bespiel eines fahrerlosen Regionalzugs im Projekt safe.trAIn". Zum Vortrag sind alle herzlich eingeladen.
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April 15, 2024

Neuer wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Reif

Seit 15.04.2024 verst?rkt Herr Sebastian Rossi als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter unser Team. Herr Rossi wird sich mit Themen im Bereich Robotik und Automation, insbesondere mit der Flugrobotik, besch?ftigen. Wir freuen uns sehr, ihn bei uns am Lehrstuhl begrü?en zu dürfen
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June 28, 2019

Students of Computer Science in Engineering at DLR

What do the scientists at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) actually do? What do the flight attendants' trolleys have to do with an aircraft's kerosene consumption? And what can automation look like with very small lot sizes and even larger components? The answers to these and many other questions were given to the students of Computer Science in Engineering who took part in the excursion to DLR in Augsburg on 28 June. The students were given an overview of DLR's various tasks and activities. In addition, they were able to visit the research and production facilities and thus gain an impression of the challenges of fibre composite production and automation in aerospace. In the subsequent discussion, the remaining questions of the students were answered.

Feb. 22, 2019

Flying Robots, Augmented Reality and Self-learning Machines in CFRP Production: Technology and Innovation in Augsburg

Robert Brannek?mper, head of the Committee for Science and Art in the Bavarian State Parliament, and a delegation of the university administration got a first-hand impression of current research activities in the field of technology and innovation on Friday, 22 February 2019. The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering provided a look behind the scenes. Apart from ensembles of quadrocopters, which are simply controlled by a "magic wand" in order to be used, for example, in geographical measurements, the focus was on topics from Industry 4.0. Mr. Brannek?mper was able to inspect the future layout of a production cell of cooperating robots by means of augmented reality techniques and gained insight into software measures that transform a CFRP production plant into a self-learning machine through artificial intelligence.



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Software & Tools

KIV system

A tool for formal systems development and interactive verification

KIV Logo

Robotics API

A framework for developing real-time critical industrial robot applications in Java

Robotics API


A modeling language for over-constrained multi-agent optimization problems based on MiniZinc.


Institute for Software & Systems Engineering

The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering (ISSE), directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science of the University of Augsburg. In research, the institute supports both fundamental and application-oriented research in all areas of software and systems engineering. In teaching, the institute facilitates the further development of the faculty's and university's relevant course offerings.
