

Dr. Barbara Haese

research associate
Regional Climate and Hydrology
Phone: +49 821 598 2633
Room: 1023 (B)
Open hours: Monday 10:00 - 11:30 am
Address: Alter Postweg 118, 86159 Augsburg

Research foci

  • Spatio-temporal variability of precipitation
  • Stochastic simulation of hydrometeorological variables
  • Data assimilation
  • Earth system modeling
  • Stable water isotopes as tracer in the climate system

Research projects

  • FOR2131-P3:?This project is integrated within both phases of the DFG Research Unit 2131 "Data Assimilation for Improved Characterization of Fluxes across Compartmental interfaces". It aims at an improved representation of the spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation based on sparse and/or inaccurate observations.
  • HYDRACENE:?A new hydrogen-isotope approach to understand North African monsoon changes in the Holocene


Lorenz, M.,?Bliefernicht, J.,?Haese, B.,?Kunstmann, H. (2018), Copula-based downscaling of dailiy precipitation fields, Hydrological Processes,?doi: 10.1002/hyp.13271.


Haese, B.,?H?rning, S.,?Chwala, C.,?Bárdossy, A., Schalge, B., Kunstmann, H. (2017), Stochastic Reconstruction and Interpolation of Precipitation Fields Using Combined Information of Commercial Microwave Links and Rain Gauges,?Water Resources Research, Volume: 53, Issue: 12, Pages: 10740-10756,?doi: 10.1002/2017WR021015.


Schefu?, E., Werner, M., Beckmann, B., Haese, B., Lohmann, G. (2015),?“North-West African hydrologic changes in the Holocene: a combined?isotopic?data and model approach,” in?Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate?Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC), eds M. Schulz and A. Paul (Cham, Switzerland:?Springer International Publishing), 109–114,?doi:? 10.1007/978-3-319-00693-2_18.


Pekarsky, S., Angert, A., Haese, B., Werner, M., Hobson, K. A.?and?Nathan, R.?(2015): Enriching the isotopic toolbox for migratory connectivity analysis: a new approach for migratory species breeding in remote or unexplored areas , Diversity and Distributions,?21 (4), pp. 416-427,?doi: 10.1111/ddi.12306.

Haese, B., Werner, M. and Lohmann, G. (2013), Stable water isotopes in the coupled atmosphere–land surface model ECHAM5-JSBACH.?Geoscientific Model Development, 6(5). 1463-1480, doi: 10.5194/gmd-6-1463-2013.

Curriculum Vitae

Seit 2014 ? ? ? ? PostDoc position at the Department of Regional Climate and Hydrology

2014 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Doctoral colloquium at the University of Bremen

2010 – 2014? ? PhD student at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research
2008 –?2010? ? System test engineer at?Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH
2001 – 2008 ? ?Study of mathematics at the Technical University Berlin

1998 – 2001????Training as office communication clerk in the engineering office for economic energy use

Courses / Teaching

No courses available.

Past semesters:

  • Physical hydrology
