

A to Z

project duration

recurring edition

project sponsor

erdgas schwaben GmbH
BayWa r.e. renewable energy GmbH

project leader

Dr. Stephan Bosch
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt

The aim of this brochure (several editions) was and is to provide interested pupils, students and experts with a comprehensive glossary on the subject of renewable energies and energy system transformation. The expansion of decentralized technologies is of great social importance, as it offers the possibility of turning away from fossil and nuclear energy sources as well as the creation of highly qualified jobs. However, it is problematic that discussions about the limits and possibilities of a renewable energy system are often of an unobjective nature and lack the necessary basic knowledge. This has an inhibiting effect on the further development of renewable energies and leads not least to irritations in energy policy. By means of the brochure mentioned the attempt was made to increase the general knowledge in the field of renewable energies and to lay a stable foundation for objective discourses.


selected publications:


  • Bosch S., Schwarz L., Schmidt M. (2019): Energiegeographie – von A bis Z. In: Institut für Geographie [Hrsg.], Geographica Augustana, Band 28, Augsburg.
  • Peyke G., Bosch S., F?rber K., Tatu D., Walter K. (2013): Erneuerbare Energien von A bis Z. In: Friedmann A., Hilpert M., Jacobeit J., Kunstmann H., Ohl U., Peyke G., Reller A., Schneider T., Thieme K., Timpf S., Wetzel K.-F. [Hrsg.], Geographica Augustana, Band 13, Augsburg.
Windspeicher ? University of Augsburg
