



Overcoming Ecological Ambivalence: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities. Eds. Simone Müller, Matthias Schmidt, and Kirsten Twelbeck. London: Routledge (will be published in 2024).


Beyond the Civil War Hospital: The Rhetoric of Healing and Democratization in Northern Reconstruction Writing. Bielefeld: transcript, 2018 (438 Pages).


No Korean is Whole – Wherever He or She May Be: Erfindungen von Korean America seit 1965. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2002 (309 Pages).




"Community Engagement and Participation in ‘Wheatfield. A Confrontation’." Participation in/through Language, Literature, and Culture. Eds. P. L?ffler, M. Peterfy, N. Rauscher, W. Werner. Heidelberg: Winter, 2024. 242-258.


"’Disability’, Masculinity, and Race During the Second Founding." Narrating, Representing, Reflecting ‘Disability’. 21st?Century ‘American’ Perspectives. American Frictions Series. Eds. Wilfried Raussert and Sarah-Lena Essifi. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter (forthcoming).


"Chinatown Aftershock. Reimagining Urban Resilience after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake."?Narrative der Resilienz/Narratives of Resilience. Eds. Kate Rigby and Evi Zemanek.?Stuttgart: Metzler (forthcoming).


"Against all Odds: Managing Ambivalence in Philippe Squarzoni’s Graphic Novel Climate Changed."??Overcoming Ecological Ambivalence: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities. Eds. Simone Müller, Matthias Schmidt, and Kirsten Twelbeck. London: Routledge (will be published in 2024).


"A Contested Field. Wheatfield and the Politics of Representations."?Kulturen im Anthropoz?n. Eine interdisziplin?re

Herausforderung.?Hrsg. Nora Zapf, Teresa Millesi, Martin Coy. München: Oekom, 2022. 139-157.


“Die Kunst der Nachhaltigkeit: Agnes Denes’ `Wheatfield. A Confrontation`.” Environmental Humanities: Konzepte, Themen, Forschungsperspektiven. Ed. by Matthias Schmidt and Hubert Schmidt. G?ttingen: V&R Unipress, 2021. 333-347.


“Weizen.” Podcast for the Museum Brot&Kunst, Ulm. March 2021. https://museumbrotundkunst.de/


“Wheat Power in American Culture. Between Politics and Plant Desire.” GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society vol. 29, no. 4 (2020). Focus edition “Environmental Humanities.” 235-242. (3 interdisciplinary peer reviews. 3rd Annual Prize of GAIA magazine).


“Rites of Renewal: Imperialist Encounters in the Work of Jack London.” Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim. Eds. Jutta Ernst and Brigitte Johanna Glaser. Heidelberg: Winter 2020. 169-190.


“The Toast Hawaii / Pumpernickel Divide.” Foodfatnessfitness.com (1 April 2020).


“Flowers.” An Eclectic Bestiary: Encounters in a More-than-Human World. Eds. Birgit Spengler and Babette Tischleder. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019. 53-63.


“Literaturwissenschaft als interkulturelles Training am Beispiel der koreanisch-amerikanischen Literatur“. Sprache, Flucht, Migration: Kritische, historische und p?dagogische Ann?herungen. Ed. Radhika Natarajan. Wiesbaden: Springer 2018. 437-446.


“Owning Human Nature? Literary Knowledge Production and the Life Sciences. Eds. Katrin Hoepker and Heike Sch?fer. LWU Quarterly 48.3 (2017). 165-178.


“The Civil War Nurse and the Veteran: Dependency and Separation.” Women in America. Eds. Carmen Birkle and Justine Tally. European Journal of American Studies. 10:1?(2015). 32 pages. http://ejas.revues.org/10761.


“Eden Refound(ed): Post Civil War Literary Gardening.” Rereading The Machine in the Garden. Eds. Eric Erbacher, Florian Sedlmeier and Nicole Maruo-Schr?der. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2014. 58-76.


“How Far Could They Go? Imprisoned Nurses, Unsexed Angels, and the Transformation of True Womanhood in Civil War America.” Communicating Disease: Cultural Representations of American Medicine. Eds. Carmen Birkle and Johanna Heil. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 145-173.


“Reconstructing Race Relations: Esther Hill Hawks’ Diary and her Life Among the Freedmen.” American Lives. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 173-188.


“Bible Seller and Cross-Dressed Spy: Sarah Emma Edmonds and the Debate on Authenticity.” Religion in the United States. Eds. Jeanne Cortiel, Kornelia Freitag, Christine Gerhard and Michael Wala. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 41-57.


“The Donaldina Cameron Myth and the Rescue of America, 1910-2002.” Chinatowns in a Transnational World. Myths and Realities of an Urban Phenomenon. Eds. Vanessa Künnemann and Ruth Mayer. New York: Routledge, 2011. 135-162.


“The New Rules of the Democratic Game: Emancipation, Self-Regulation, and the ‘Second Founding’ of The Unites States.” Civilizing and Decivilizing Processes: Figurational Approaches to American Culture. Eds. Christa Buschendorf, Astrid Franke, and Johannes Voelz. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 175-208.


“A Passing Era: Memory, Nation, and the Jew in American and South African Literature.” Transatlantic Negotiations. Eds. Christa Buschendorf and Astrid Franke. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007. 225-242.


“Beyond a Postmodern Denial of Reference: Forms of Resistance in Jessica Hagedorn’s Dogeaters. Special Issue Asian American Studies in Europe/Germany. Eds. Carmen Birkle, Wilfried Raussert, and Mita Banerjee. Amerikastudien / American Studies 51:3 (2006): 425-437.


“Ty Pak: Korean American Literature as ‘Guilt Payment’.” How Far is America from Here? Eds. Theo D’haen et al. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2005. 481-497.


“Otherness as Reading Process: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee.” Asian American Literature in the International Context. Eds. Rocío Davis and S?mi Ludwig. Hamburg: LIT, 2002. 185-201.



a) Reviews

Altschuler, Sari. The Medical Imagination: Literature and Health in the Early United States.?Amerikastudien/American Studies?vol 67, no. 4 (2020): 546-549.


Hochbruck, Wolfgang. Die Gesch?pfe des Epimetheus. Veteranen, Erinnerung und die Reproduktion des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) (2013), 98-102.


Raphael-Hernandez, Heike und Shannon Steen, eds. AfroAsian Encounters. Culture, History, Politics. Amerikastudien 54:3 (2009), 538-541.


Quigley, David, The Second Founding, H-CivWar Book Review. Humanities & Social Sciences. http://h-net.msu.edu.


Zhou, Xiaojing, ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Amerikastudien 52:1 (2007), 153-155.


b) Dictionary Entries:

“John William DeForest”. The Nineteenth-Century American Novel. Ed. Christine Gerhardt. Handbooks of English?and American Studies: Text and Theory. Eds. (series) Martin Middeke and Gabriele Rippl. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (2017).


“Peter Hyun.” Facts on File. Ed. Seiwoong Oh. http://www.factsonfile.com, 2007. 120-121.


“Jessica Hagedorn”. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Asian American Authors. Ed. Deborah Madsen. Columbia / SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 2005. 101-109.
