







30. Januar 2024

Anglistentheater Winter Production 2023/2024

Thank you very much for coming! Stay tuned for the summer term! See you soon.

14. Februar 2024

Reading Dickens with Jack Sigel (February to April)

Our next novel will be Dickens, “Dombey and Son.“ We will meet once a week on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the university beginning 14 February and going till mid-April. If we can meet in person at the university, that will be great. We will also meet via Zoom for those who cannot meet in person. Many of you will want to relax and get away for the break. However, if you would like to read and discuss a great novel, please email me and I can provide more details. Also let me know if you have any questions. Since this is not an official university course, there will be no papers, exams, or credits. The requirements are that you do the reading and participate in the discussions. The edition I have is the one of the Penguins. The first installment of the novel was abridged due to space limitations. The Penguins restore all the passages. Dr. Jack Sigel j.sigel@zoho.eu

19. Januar 2022

Literarische Darstellungen der Unendlichkeit: Martin Riedelsheimer erh?lt Dissertationspreis

Der Augsburger Literaturwissenschaftler Dr. Martin Riedelsheimer ist für seine Dissertation mit dem renommierten Dissertationspreis des Deutschen Anglistenverbands ausgezeichnet worden.


Prof. Dr. Martin Middeke

*W?hrend der vorlesungsfreien Zeit:

Mittwoch, den 21. Februar 2024 von 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Die Sprechstunde findet per Zoom statt.
Bitte melden Sie sich für Herrn Prof. Middekes Sprechstunde bis einen Tag vorab über das Sekretariat (sekretariat.elw@phil.uni-augsburg.de) an.

Sprechstundentermin im Wintersemester 2023/2024:

Mittwochs, 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Anmeldungen über sekretariat.elw@phil.uni-augsburg.de werden lediglich bis um 12 Uhr des Vortags entgegengenommen.

PD Dr. David Kerler

W?hrend des Wintersemesters 2023/2024 via Zoom:

Freitag: 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Die Anmeldung erfolgt sp?testens ein Tag im Voraus über Digicampus. Dort ist auch der Link für die Sprechstunde via Zoom hinterlegt.

Aktuelle Buchver?ffentlichungen des Lehrstuhls

? Universit?t Augsburg

Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage


Mireia Aragay, Cristina Delgado-García and Martin Middeke (eds.)

London/New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2021


With contributions by:

Mireia Aragay (Barcelona, Spain); Cristina Delgado-García (Glasgow, U.K.); Martin Middeke (Augsburg/Johannesburg, Germany/S.A.); Clare Wallace (Prague, Czech Republic), Korbinian St?ckl (Augsburg, Germany), Liz Tomlin (Glasgow, U.K.); Lynette Leni Goddard (Royal Holloway, U.K.); Marissia Fragkou (Canterbury, U.K.); Philip Watkinson (independent scholar, U.K.); Julia Boll (Hamburg, Germany); Mark Robson (Dundee, U.K.); Clara Escoda (Barcelona, Spain).

? Universit?t Augsburg

Symmetry, Proportion, and Seriality: The Semantics of Mirroring and Repetition in Science and the Arts.

Special Issue of European Review: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Humanities and Sciences ?29.2


Monika Fludernik, Martin Middeke, Andreas Buchleitner (eds.)

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2021


With contributions by:
Monika Fludernik (English Literature, Freiburg, Germany); Martin Middeke (English Literature, Augsburg/Johannesburg, Germany/S.A.); Andreas Buchleitner (Quantum Optics, Freiburg, Germany); Mark Mcmorris (Art, Poetry and Literature, Georgetown, Washington D.C., USA), Rosapia Laura Grotto (Cognitive Neuroscience, Florence, Italy); Fionn Murtagh (Mathematics and Data Science, Huddersfield, UK); Hans W. Hubert (Art History, Freiburg, Germany); Vasco Zara (Musicology, Tours, France); Hartmann R?mer (Physics, Freiburg, Germany); Zhang Longxi (Aesthetics, Hong Kong); Monika Schmitz-Emans (Comparative Literature, Bochum, Germany); Thierry Paul (Mathematics, Paliseau, France); Angeli Janhsen (Art History, Freiburg, Germany).




? Universit?t Augsburg

Handbook of the English Novel, 1830-1900


Martin Middeke and Monika Pietrzak-Franger (eds.)

Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, 686 pp.


With contributions by:
Susanne Bach (Kassel); Ute Berns (Hamburg); Nadine B?hm-Schnitker (Bielefeld); Miriam Elisabeth Burstein (Brockport, NY, USA); Timothy Carens (Charleston, S.C., USA); Nils Clausson (Regina, Canada); Doris Feldmann (Erlangen); Ellen Grünkemeier (Leipzig); Anna Maria Jones (U of Central Florida, USA); Stephan Karschay (Hamburg); U. C. Knoepflmacher (Princeton, USA); Norbert Lennartz (Vechta); Jakob Lothe (Oslo, Norway); Phillip Mallett (St. Andrews, UK); Simon Marsden (Liverpool, UK); Silvia Mergenthal (Konstanz); Martin Middeke (Augsburg/Johannesburg); J. Hillis Miller (Irvine, CA, USA); Rebecca N. Mitchell (Birmingham, UK); Timo Müller (Konstanz); Ruth Parkin-Gounelas (Thessaloniki, Greece); Monika Pietrzak-Franger (Vienna); Nora Ple?ke (Magdeburg); Joanna Rostek (Giessen); Natalie Roxburgh (Siegen); Dianne F. Sadoff (Rutgers, NJ, USA); Susanne Scholz (Frankfurt); David Seed (Liverpool, UK); Linda M. Shires (New York City, USA); Carolyn Sigler (Duluth, USA); Adina Sorian (Augsburg); Felix Sprang (Siegen); Julia Straub (Bern, Switzerland); Severiano Tomaiuolo (Cassino, Italy); Eckart Voigts (Braunschweig); Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Regensburg).



? Universit?t Augsburg

Drama, Theatre, and Philosophy Special Issue: Anglia. Journal of English Philology 136.1


David Kornhaber and Martin Middeke (eds.)
Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018


With contributions by:
David Kornhaber (University of Austin TX, USA), Martin Middeke (University of Augsburg), Laura Cull ? Maoilearca (University of Surrey, UK), Erika Fischer-Lichte (Humboldt-University Berlin), Hans-Thies Lehmann (Goethe University, Frankfurt on the Main), Anna Street (Sorbonne, Paris), Dan Rebellato (Royal Holloway, UK), Tom Stern (University College London, UK), Ramona Mosse (Humboldt-University), Mark Robson (University of Dundee, UK), Dieter Thom? (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland).

? Universit?t Augsburg

Of Precariousness:
Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st Century British Drama and Theatre


Martin Middeke and Mireia Aragay (eds.)
Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2017


With contributions by:
Christian Attinger, Bettina Auerswald, Elzbieta Baraniecka, Christoph Henke, David Kerler, Martin Middeke, Martin Riedelsheimer (Augsburg), Mireia Aragay, Cristina Delgado-García, Clara Escoda, Enric Monforte, José R. Prado, Verónica Rodríguez (Barcelona).
