


"I feel that for most of us, having the opportunity to learn and understand a different legal system from the one we are used to was invaluable. Moreover, participants get the opportunity to get to know other students from all around the world, and to discover the Bavarian culture. [...] I loved that the professors all come from different countries and backgrounds, which offers the students new perspectives. In addition, there is a wide range of courses, so we could choose our favorites and create our own custom program." read more...


Alfonso Laborde Ramirez (Chicago-Kent, Chicago, USA)



"I have always been interested in international law and have always wanted to study abroad. [...] I enjoyed all the classes I took, and the professors that taught them did such a fantastic job of teaching the course material in such a short time. [...] From this program, I realized that I want to pursue international litigation and arbitration not only in the United States but also abroad" read more...


Perry Strickland (Chicago-Kent, Chicago, USA)



"I also attended the optional Seminar on Isle Frauenchiemsee and it was truly an unforgettable experience. [...] Further, I was able to develop what I believe could be potentially lifelong friendships and professional connections from numerous different countries." [read more...]


Graham Davis (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)



"I think that participating in the Augsburg Summer Program is a great opportunity to grow as a person. Both studying in the classroom and exploring Europe in my free time, I feel that I gained a lot from my time in the summer Program. [...] My time in augsburg for the Summer Program was the best summer that I have ever had. I can?t wait to visit Germany again soon." [read more...]


Jacob Hunsaker (George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA)



"Augsburg was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never take for granted. I am super appreciative to have gotten this chance to explore Bavaria and appreciate its beauty. I? ve made incredible connections with students and professors, and hopefully I get the chance to come back later in life." [read more...]


Jarrod Houseknecht (Pepperdine Law School, Malibu, USA)



"This was definitely the most wonderful study abroad that I could? ve asked for. Having a smaller group of students definitely enabled me to become better friends with people while also feeling like there was always someone around to hang out with. I was really shocked by how much I learned in each course..." [read more...]


Melissa Lloyd (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA)



"[I]t has been such a privilege to have an interaction with students from different counties with a different legal system. During the class, it was academically interesting to approach a legal issue both from a common law and civil law perspective. I could get to know many people from different cultural backgrounds." [read more...]


Jadong Kim (South Korea)



"[T]he people you meet during the program are amazing, no other way to say it. The German students, the American students, the students from all over the world, everyone was incredibly kind and fun. It was an unforgettable group of people." [read more...]


Percy Gale-Kelleter (George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA)



"[I]f you want to work in the field of international or domestic business & economic law, the benefits to studying abroad in Augsburg most likely outweigh the costs.? The program has high quality classes and professors, provides an excellent opportunity for networking, gives you an all-around unforgettable experience, and you don't even need to know German!? And even though this is not a frivolous, college-style study abroad, you can still have a fun time." [read more...]


Tom Reynolds (Chicago-Kent, Chicago, USA)




"The summer law program at the University of Augsburg is not only a great place to learn international law but also a great place to meet students from around the world and a great place from which to travel to numerous destinations." [read more...]


Regina Levy (Pepperdine Law School, Malibu, USA)



"In summary, studying abroad at the University of Augsburg is all that I hoped for and so much more. I had a positive experience inside and outside of the classroom, and would highly recommend other law students to participate in the summer program." [read more...]


Mona Bascoy (Pepperdine Law School, Malibu, USA)



"Overall, the program was an excellent combination of courses that were rigorous but also easy to follow. I did not feel that the classes were typical “joke” summer study abroad program courses, but actually learned a great deal that I know I will use throughout my legal career. The program was small enough to feel close-knit (like welcome dinners with all students and professors), but also big enough to feel like there was a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives accounted for." [read more...]


Georgia Blair Stephenson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)




Fachdekan für Internationales
Juristische Fakult?t



Christian Kolbe
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Ansprechpartner für den USA-Austausch und das Augsburg Summer Program
Juristische Fakult?t


Antonia Burger
Studentische Hilfskraft | Ansprechpartnerin für das Augsburg Summer Program
Juristische Fakult?t


Mia Abdallah
Studentische Hilfskraft I Ansprechpartnerin für das Augsburg Summer Program
Juristische Fakult?t

